3. Selling His Soul

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The next day arrived, and I was more determined to win the challenge. I had decided to do whatever it took to win. Not only because Jax had made fun of me but also because Caleb had been smirking at me the whole morning. He'd heard what happened when I tried to be friendly to Jax. I really wasn't going to let him win.

But it wasn't easy to get close to Jax since I had no idea where he was hiding. I hadn't seen him around the whole day. He had skipped the only class we had together that day, and no matter where I tried to look for him, he was nowhere to be found.

"No, I haven't seen him either," Jessica told me when I asked about it during our lunch break.

"Fuck's sake..." I muttered, keeping an eye out for the black and red hair of Jax's.

I couldn't even ask Jax's friends to help me out, because the son of a bitch didn't have any. He didn't even talk to anyone. I knew he had a lab partner in chemistry, but he said he had never spoken with Jax, which I found weird. The challenge was getting more and more annoying by the second.

"Come on, Nic, stop wasting your time with him. You and I both know it's not going to work. Jax is not gay, and he hates everyone! I don't understand why you even accepted this bet in the first place," Jessica spoke with irritation written all over her face and I could tell she wasn't too happy about the situation.

"You know me. I'm the daredevil," I chuckled and turned my attention to my food.

"Just pay Caleb and be done with it," Jessica suggested.

"You know I can't do that," I said with a sigh. "I won't quit without trying first."

Jessica sighed too. "What's wrong Nic? This isn't like you! You're not a daredevil. You're smarter than this," she spoke and gave me a hesitating look before she continued. "You always think before you act, but lately you've been so weird."

"I'm fine..." I muttered and grabbed my fork.

Her expression turned angry all of a sudden.

"Well then. When you want to stop lying to me, you know where to find me," she snapped at me and got up from her seat.

I let her leave. I knew I hadn't been acting like myself lately. I was well aware of the fact that I'd never have considered the challenge if everything was fine with me...

But... I couldn't just start whining about how I really felt, especially in front of Jessica. I didn't believe she'd understand the emptiness I felt... None of my friends would. No one would. I mean, I had the perfect life for crying out loud! I'd met enough people with real problems to know that I had absolutely nothing to complain about. So I kept my mouth shut and hoped the empty feeling I had inside me wouldn't destroy me and everything I had worked so hard for.

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