8. Arrogance

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"So you're gay now," Daniel asked, smirking at me later that day when I was walking past our kitchen.

"Shut up..." I said in a hushed voice so no one else could hear us. "I have to win, and in order to do so, I had to do something before people started asking questions."

"Whatever you say, big brother," Daniel said, still smirking.

"Just don't let Mom or Dad hear about it, all right? When this is over, everything goes back to normal again," I said.

"Do you really think they're not going to hear about it?"

"I sure hope so."

"How are you a straight-A student, and still be such an idiot?" He chuckled, grabbed an apple, and joined me in the hallway. "Everyone knows about it. And their mothers. The rumors will travel fast around here, not just at school."

"If they do hear about it, I'll just... I'll just tell them it's a mean lie about me," I said, starting to feel a bit anxious.

"Good luck with that. There's a whole Facebook page about your newly found sexuality and everything," Daniel told me. "It's going to be hard to convince them."

"But it is a lie! It just happens to be me who started it," I exclaimed.

"You know how Dad is," he only said and made his way to the staircase. "He's going to get really mad about it."

I sneered at his back and entered the kitchen. I was hungry just a minute ago, but now I couldn't even think about eating. I left the kitchen, but instead of returning to my room, I found myself sitting down in my car. I needed fresh air. I needed to get far away from that place.

I called Jessica before I started driving. I was a bit surprised that she answered my call, though I could tell she was still mad at me. Again, she surprised me by saying yes when I asked if she wanted to go for a drive with me.

"I'll be there in a second," I said.

Five minutes later, she sat down next to me without saying a word. I watched her as she put the seat belt on. She stayed quiet when I started driving.

"Just spit it out," I said with a sigh.

"What the hell is wrong with you! Why did you think it was a good idea to make everyone believe you're gay?!"

She fell silent, staring at me angrily.

"I had to do something," I said with a shrug. "It's really hard to get Jax's attention, so I figured this way he'd at least notice me."

"Yeah, well, he did notice you. He noticed you hard," she said with a huff. "What the hell were you thinking? How are you going to convince everyone that you're not gay after this whole bet is over?"

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