23. Free Pass

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Man, Jax was wearing the skirt. I was proud of him. It was still odd to think that Jax – the Jax – could be insecure and be afraid of people's reactions. Sure, people were dicks, and there were those who would mock a guy in a skirt, but the fact that Jax actually gave a fuck was hard to comprehend. The Jax I thought I knew would've just beaten the shit out of those jerks and moved on. That was what everyone expected from him.

But that just showed how little we knew about him. Even I still had much to learn.

That night at the club was clearly an eye opener to my friends. They were used to seeing Jax as this hostile, angry, mean piece of work, but now he was letting his true nature show, and they liked that version of him. And that made me happy. I was happy that Jax was fitting in, because...


I threw that thought out of my head. I refused to let it grow. I refused to acknowledge it existed.

But it existed, and so did the anxiety.

Those thoughts and feelings were easy to keep under control while we were at the club, but by the end of the day, when we arrived at Jax's place, I was worn out. Part of me was still in a great mood, but the rest wanted to just crumble down and cry out of exhaustion. I never knew that could even be possible. Why was everything so messy...?

I guess Jax was sensing something. After we got out of my car, he walked up to me and put his arm around my back. I gave him a smile and put my arm around his shoulder, trying to lead him to the door, but he stopped us.

"Did you have fun?" he asked.

"Of course I did," I said with a smirk. "Did you? I know my friends can be a bit... much."

"They're cool," he said with a shrug. "I like Jess. And your brother, weirdly enough."

"Daniel is the best of us," I said. "And Allan and Cecilia?"

Jax bit his lower lip to hide his smirk. "Well... They're... Interesting."

I laughed at his words, and tried to continue walking, but again, he stopped me. I gave him a curious look, but he didn't say anything. He just watched me. I looked away, my smile fading. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but it was already too late. The anxiety was rising. The fun night out, seeing how well Jax and my friends came along, the old worries about school and Dad and Mom and how Kenneth had treated Jax and everything else...

Everything else...

Jax placed his hand on my chest, giving me a gentle rub, and kissed my cheek. It was such a sweet gesture that I had to look at him just to make sure he was actually Jax. My smile returned when our eyes met, and I pulled him closer to peck his lips.

"You need a new nickname," I told him after pulling back.

"No nicknames," he said sternly.

"How about something cute, like–"

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