36. Pain

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I stared up at the ceiling. I'd done that for a few days now. My body was still in pain, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the pain in my heart. Breathing felt like a task because of the heaviness of my chest. I blinked slowly and continued staring. My body tried to tell me it was hungry, but I ignored it. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't have the strength to do so.

I had no strength left to do anything anymore...

I'd had all this time to think. Almost a whole week had passed since I fell into the river, but I couldn't... I still wasn't ready to deal with it... With Nic, and what he'd done... I didn't want to think about him. I didn't have the energy to think about him... Or maybe it was the painkillers that made me too numb to do so. If that was the case, I wished to take even more of them, so I'd be too numb to even exist...

Because why would I want to exist? I'd lost so much... So suddenly too... Like my whole life had suddenly come to an end. Or like it never even existed. Maybe it had been just a beautiful dream. Taken away from me the moment I'd been the happiest.

I still couldn't understand. We'd just needed to get through that one night. That fucking stupid party. I thought that if we'd just got through that night, we could be happy. We got so close, too...

I'd thought his father was the only thing casting shadows over our happiness.

Nic... Why...?

I turned to my side and stared at a big black plastic bag in the corner of my room where I'd thrown it in my anger and hatred. My fathers had asked if they should get rid of it, but I'd yelled at them not to touch it. I didn't want it, but no one was allowed to touch it.

It was the dress... My beautiful dress... Ripped and dirty... I couldn't stand it. I wanted it out of my sight and out of my life, but even the thought of throwing it away filled me with such intense pain I thought I was dying.

I couldn't let go.

I was so hurt... But I couldn't let go.

I just wanted my boyfriend back... The one who had done nothing wrong to hurt me. The one who had fallen for me at first sight. The guy who had kept trying to get a date with me because he found me irresistible. The guy who'd cared about me from the very beginning.

Not the guy who didn't care if he broke my heart by accepting a stupid, childish challenge just because he was bored.

Why did they ever pick me as his victim...? Why me? Because they thought it would be fun to hurt the ugly monster from their childhood? Because they thought I deserved to suffer even more? More bullying? That it was all right to let me believe there actually was someone who cared about me, only to crush me? Again? After I'd already lost a whole life, my family, my home...

I lost it all again... I already was losing my home, and the life I thought I'd have was never actually real.

What had I done to deserve this...?

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