10. Dangerous Progress

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I could not stop thinking about that kiss. It was on my mind when I went to bed, and the first thing that popped up when I woke up. My friends had noticed how absentminded I was, and they all kept teasing me about it. Because of the rumors and my fake confession, it wasn't hard for them to figure out what I was thinking about.

But they got the reason why I was thinking about Jax all wrong. Everyone thought I actually had a crush on him, but I just wanted to get this whole bet over with.

I hadn't told anyone that I'd kissed Jax, and I wasn't going to, either. It was none of their business.

"Nic! Hello?"

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Jessica, who was sitting next to me in my car.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

"So you still don't want to tell me what happened yesterday?" she asked for a thousandth time with a smirk on her face.

I hadn't told even her about the kiss. I wasn't sure if she could somehow tell I kissed Jax, but she knew something happened between us.

"Not really..." I told her.

She just hummed, that smirk staying on her face.

A moment later, we arrived at school. I tried not to look for Jax as we walked through the busy hallways, but that guy was so goddamn easy to spot. Especially when he had the same class as me. He was leaning against the wall further down the hallway, minding his own business.

For some reason, I felt reluctant. I had the perfect opportunity to steal his seat again and make him sit next to me so I could try talking to him. But my confidence from yesterday didn't feel like helping me out today. I really needed to use this opportunity since it was Friday, and I wouldn't see him again until Monday. I'd already used two weeks. I had six left.

Jax spotted me. He squinted his eyes at the sight of me, giving me the deadliest glare.

"You need a helmet?" Jessica snickered. "He looks like you've earned another hit to your head."

"I'll be fine," I sighed, and the bell rang.

I gathered my composure when I stepped into the classroom and headed straight to the back to steal Jax's seat. People were giving me curious looks, but this time they knew why I was doing this. I sat down and leaned down to grab my books from my bag.


"Jackson," I said without looking up at Jax.

He snorted loudly and walked past me to get to the seat next to me. Out of instinct, I held my hand on my desk in hopes of protecting my head if he decided to slam me against it, but he didn't. He took his seat and grabbed his books, not giving me a single look.

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