Chapter 1

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I always dreamed a life full of happiness, love, partnership, family

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I always dreamed a life full of happiness, love, partnership, family. Being around people, make friends, fall in love, travel, celebrate, be with someone that I can't live without, create my own family, live as fully as it's possible. But for creatures like me, it's impossible. What am I? Something dark, dangerous. There is nothing pure in me. I was born in darkness. My mother was a human and my father... he is the King of Hell, Crowley. He is a demon. Evil, he lives in Hell, away from me but he visits me often. I have no idea if he ever was human, or he was born like this. As for me, I am a pure blood demon, I was born like this. I have the abilities of a demon and powers of a witch because my grandmother is a witch. Her name is Rowena, she is one of the most powerful witches in the planet and she is the one who raised me. Helped me become better and better, increase my power, my skills. She saved me. I own her.

My mother died after she gave birth to my sister, Eve. I don't remember her, but Rowena showed some pictures of her, so I know her face. She was blonde, had blur eyes just like me. Rowena never mentioned thing about my past, she always says that only the future matters and she is right. Why should I worry about the past? I live for my future. My life... my loved ones.

The years I spent with my godmother, Rowena – she asked me to call her godmother – were hard. I chose to stay because my sister needed a home. That wasn't the life I wanted. I was hiding from the world, I was trapped, living in fear, in the darkness. Trying to work and hide my powers from humans.

"If they see your real self, they will hunt you down," she used to say, "we have to keep a low profile."

Yes, she helped me, but she never let me be free. From a young age she trained me for a battle that she said it was coming. I was tired, I felt weak, but I never gave up because I had Eve. I had to protect her. Until one night everything was ruined. Everything got lost in a matter of seconds and along with everything I got lost too.

I once thought I had the life I wanted, me with my little sister and my godmother, in a house. Yes, I believed I was happy, until one night I lost everything.

I decided not to pursue happiness ever again. It's like a curse. Every person who comes close to me dies. Death follows me and because I'm immortal it kills only those who I love.

It's been a year since my sister's death. I asked my godmother to live alone. She gave some money, but I needed more so I used my powers and my looks to earn some.

I meet rich men at the hotels, casinos, clubs, I seduce them, find where they leave and steal their money, credit cards, everything. This is how I survive, I'm a thief. My godmother asked me to go back to her but it's impossible. I'm not ready. I can't. At least not yet.

Now, here I am, in Chicago. I left from a house with a bag full of cash. My target was one of the richest men at Illinois. He won the lottery and he lost most of his money in a casino. He sells his wife's jewels for money and then he plays and loses them again and again. He is addicted to this.

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now