Chapter 7

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It's another day and the first thing I do is to visit my horse

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It's another day and the first thing I do is to visit my horse. I walked into the stables, I approach it and brush its mane. It calms me down. I stay close to my horse for a few minutes and think about the Hawk. I haven't seen him for long. I miss him so much. After Sean's attack, the Hawk left and never came back. I'm worrying about him. I leave the stables, this visit, this peace was exactly what I needed the most.

A moment before I go in the house two guys stop me and tell me that my boss needs to see me. I have a bad feeling for this, so I follow them in silence.

We stop outside his office; they tell me to walk in alone. I walk in and see him irritated, pacing around the room. He looks at me and walks towards me aggressively.

"Give me one good reason for quitting the job! Just one!" he shouts.

"I don't understand."

"Was the appointment that bad? I thought you liked the idea of working with that guy! He flirted with you, he was a little bit more effusive, he wanted us to do things with his own way but I you wanted to go."

I stare at him confused.

"We've accomplished so many things together, you showed me that you want more, and I gave you more," he approaches me, "now what? You're telling me you're leaving. What am I going to do? Who is going to replace you?"

"Excuse me?"

"The new client said that he wants to work w you. If he calls, what am I going to say? I'm sorry but she quit!" he shouts.

"Calm down!"

"I can't calm down! Are you aware of how much money we will lose? This is a disaster!"

"Stop shouting."

"Give me one reason you want to quit."


He grabs my arm. "Are you toying me? You talked with Roy, you told him that you want to quit because I used you and forced you to do things. You lied! It was your choice!" he shakes me, "we did this together! You wanted to do it and u also said u want to meet him again!"

"I didn't..."

"You what?" he squeezes my arm harder.

"You're hurting me!" I push him away, "I never asked to quit! Never said all those things to him! Why would I?"

"You tell me!"

"I didn't talk about that man with anyone!"

"He came to me and told me that he will put you back in your previous job."

"What? No!"

"Talk with him and solve it! This is business! We risk our lives, our money."

"I know."

"Tell him that this is what you want and if you ever feel scared of what we do come and talk to me, not to him."

"Okay, can I leave?"

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now