Chapter 8

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The two days became three, the three days, four and the four days, five

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The two days became three, the three days, four and the four days, five. He never came back. It's been almost an entire week; I was feeling so alone all the time.

Ever since the day he left I didn't get out of his room once. I stayed in bed waiting for him, touching his pillow, and the bed sheets. Smelling them. I close my eyes and I bring to my mind every happy moment we had. Even though we don't have many, only by these memories I can hope. Hope that he will come back to me.

My boss checks me every day, Roy does to. They bring me food and water, but I leave it outside the door where I found it. I don't want to talk to anyone, because no one understands. No one.

Maybe it's pathetic to hope that he'll come back, but deep down inside me, something tells me that he will. He hasn't forgot me.

He didn't leave because he didn't love me, he left because I denied follow him. He left because he couldn't stand living among criminals, because he felt that he was going to lose me, because I was in danger.

I still can't believe in what Carl said. How can he think like that about Sean? He did so many things for me. He almost died for me. But Carl doesn't know about our past. He doesn't know about my past. Maybe if I talk to him, I will change his mind and maybe he will help me to find him.

I have to find him. I really want to say 'yes' to him. Leave with him. The pain of his absence is bigger than the pain I'd feel if I left this place. No wealthy life can compare with the life Sean can give me.

The sun falls and the sky is full of stars for once more. I wish for his arrival and a second chance every night, but every next morning the sun goes up and Sean still gone. He isn't coming back, and the pain is getting stronger. Loneliness and despair are eating me from the inside out.

Maybe he was right after all... Maybe I should have left with him in the first place. Nothing matters without Sean. Everything seems so pointless. I have no desire; no will do anything. Who to fight for? Who to smile for?

A new day begins, and I decide to talk with Roy

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A new day begins, and I decide to talk with Roy. I get dressed and I go to his office. I tell him about my decision to take back to my old job. He says that I have to talk to Carl too, tell him I quit.

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now