Chapter 9

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I go back home, and I sit in the backyard

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I go back home, and I sit in the backyard. I stay the whole day outside, watching people walking around, live their lives. Roy comes and covers me with a blanket. He also brings me food, but I don't touch it.

Among all these people I see my boss, talking with his men, I try to listen to what they're talking about, and I hear Sean's name. I'm shaking. I stand up and run to him. I start screaming.

"Where are you going? To him? Leave him alone!"

"Serene, are you crazy? Be quiet," he says calmly.

"What are you going to do to him?"

"Calm down," he raises his voice.

He grabs my hands and drags me away from the crowd. I push him away, I scream again. He shuts my mouth with his one hand, and he wraps his other hand around my waist. He lifts me slightly and takes me inside the house. We go upstairs, in my room.

"Let me go!" I push him.

"Stop shouting! For God's sake!"

"Will you kill him? Why?"

"We won't hurt him. We will only pay a visit."

"Pay a visit? You lie!"


"Please don't hurt him. He's gone. It's over!"

"Who are you? I don't think I even know anymore! What have you done to my Serene? The one who only cared about money and power."

"I did what I did for me and him. I wanted a good life for us. Please leave him alone."

"Why do you care about that punk anyway? He's nothing compared to you. You don't deserve him. You deserve better!"

"I am the one who deserves nothing! I'm not worthy of him!"

"Jesus! Are you aware of what you're saying right now?"

"It's the truth! I betrayed him. He deserves better!" I lower my gaze, my eyes are blurry, "I don't deserve anything... he did so much and I..."

He laughs. "You have no idea what you're saying." He turns to the door.

I grab his arm and pull him back. "I heard you and I'm not going to let you harm him!" I yell.

"Ha-ha..." he laughs sarcastically.

"You're laughing, huh? If you touch him, I'll..." –

"Calm down," he commands, "I am not going to kill him. I just want to have a chat with him."

"Then I'm coming with you."

"No way."

"If you dare to touch him, I will find you!"

"You know what... now that I think about it, maybe we could give him a bit of a makeover, on that cute little face of his."

"You son of bitch!"

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now