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John sits on his desk, holding his engagement ring

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John sits on his desk, holding his engagement ring. The door knocks.

"Come in."

Irene enters. "John, you have visitors."


Carl enters.

"Carl..." says surprised.

"I will leave you too, don't be late, people are waiting for you," Irene says and steps out of the room.

"How are you? I didn't expect to see you here."

"It's Irene's birthday, how could I refuse?"

"Is there anyone who can?"

"Not you, I suppose."

He nods, smiles.

"I talked with her, you're both fine and she is happy."

"After a long time, I am too."

"Finally. You deserve it."

"For as long as we can keep things this way."

"Stop, everything will go well."

He sighs worried.

"Do we have any news from her?"


"I was thinking about that day and Sean. He hesitated. When I had her by her neck, choking her, he hesitated. He was just standing there, looking at us. It was as if he didn't want to safe her, as if he wanted to punish her, as if he had no idea what he had to do at that moment. "

"Maybe he feared you, maybe he thought that he would take her without meeting you. He wasn't sure, we already know that."

"I think he couldn't decide if he wanted to save her."


"At some point I actually got confused. I called her ''Serena'' instead of "Serene"," he huffs.

"Of course..."

"Where do you think they are?"

"Probably hiding, hoping for a new life. They are kids. Scared and lost, trying to live the wrong lives, making one mistake after the other."

"I don't know if Sean is as lost as you might think. I believe he knows what is doing. I was the one who told you that he wants to get know her, but I don't believe it anymore, I believe that he has something on his mind."

"I can do nothing, anyway. I have no idea where they are. Till I find them..."


"Nothing. Everyone will go on with their lives."

"Excuse me? What do you mean?"

"I won't do anything., Carl. Irene has a chance for a normal life, I won't destroy it. It's my past, not hers. You said that I need to ger rest. Live in peace for a little. You were right. I live my life as will live hers. We are not going to get involved in their lives until the ends comes."

"The end of what? Serena's end?"

He doesn't answer.

Irene enters. "Boys, are you going to stay in here, hidden? People waits."

"You're right my love," John answers kindly, "walk outside?" asks carl and walks first.

Car follows him. John talks with people, suddenly he freezes.

"What happened?" Carl asks.

John turns towards the window and walks to it, opens it, steps on the balcony. The Hawk lands on the balcony fence right in front of John. He meets the Hawk's gaze.

It looks at him, its eyes turn golden, look brighter in the dark. It screams.

"It was the only way..." he whispers.

The Hawk flaps its wings furiously.

He downs his head and looks down.

It screeches at him again. It moves its head downwards starring at John's ring.

He realizes what the Hawk is looking at. He touches his ring, feels a sharp pain on his chest.

It stares at him back in his eyes.

"I'm not planning on doing anything. I need time."

The Hawk opens its wings and screeches at him in anger.

"Please try to understand. I need time!"

It calms down and stares.

"Leave and don't come back here again. You know where to go. Hide, protect yourself."

It freezes.

"I won't leave her there, I will take her, just not now. Besides I'm still looking for her. I don't know where she is."

It looks at him, silent.

"Wait for me. I'll come to you myself."

It moves it head positively.

Irene shows up, "John?"

He turns around and sees her, "yes love?"

She sees the Hawk.

The Hawk looks at her peacefully for a few seconds, then opens its wings and flies away.

"Everything okay?" she asks.

"Everything is great, love. Don't need to worry."

"It's chilly, why don't you come inside?"

"Yes, let's go."

"John, I know it's hard for you, among all these people but..."

"Don't you dare to say that again. We're celebrating your birthday, you deserve it. I just have a lot in my mind."

"I know. You're tired, I know. Don't you worry, as soon as they leave, I'm going to prepare a hot bath for you, and you can relax all you want."

He smiles slightly. "What would I do without you?"

"Nothing. Just like me if I didn't have you."

He walks up to her and kisses her forehead, slowly.

"I love you, John."

"I love you, too, Irene," says kindly.

They enter the house and continue the party. Carl looks at John, smiles. John stands by Irene's side for the rest of the night.

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now