Chapter 10

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Next morning

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Next morning.

Carl's pacing around the room, nervous. His phone rings, he picks it up.


"Where are you?"

"At Roy's office."

"He hasn't come back, hasn't he?"

"Of course not. He ran away."

"OF course..."

"Anything new?"

"He is already outside."

"Haven't seen him yet."

"He came early this morning. I think he still doesn't know what to do. So, we have to help him a little bit."

"Which means?"

"You will give him the chance to save her, if he doesn't, you take her and leave."

"That sounds very wrong. Save her from who?"


"John, don't..."

"You have to."

"Don't make me harm her, please. I will see he again in the future, what am I going to say to her?"

"That it was my idea and you followed direct orders."

"Hurting the Queen is a suicide."

"Carl, she won't do anything. It's all on me. Leave to me. We don't have a choice. Besides we both know that nothing will happen to her."

"Yes but..."

"Carl, we have to end this. Do as I say. If Sean shows up, my men will catch him, end of story. You won't be alone."

Carl stays silent.

"Provoke her. Tell her everything we talked about, word to word. Make her get out the room and attack you. Tell her the boy is there and that you're going to kill him. Make her get outside with you so that he sees her and then grab her throat."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't let her go until she loses her senses."

"And if she attacks me?"

"She won't."

"How do you know it?"

"Sean will be there; she will know it. She won't risk it, also she will wait for him to save her."


"Don't hesitate, we both know that she can't die."

"I know, it's just... It's Serena, John... she was like a niece to me."

"Yes, but she doesn't remember that."

"But I do."

"Tell her that you know who she is, surprise her, she believes that nobody knows. Show her that you knew what you were doing. If she sees that you aren't afraid of her, she will be afraid of you. If Sean won't come, it will mean that we have him or that he's gone. You will keep squeezing until she passes away."

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now