Chapter 4

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He asked me to change, to leave behind a part of my life

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He asked me to change, to leave behind a part of my life. I don't know if that's what I want but I'm tired of searching. Tired of running away. So, I said yes. I'm not sure for this decision.

The best thing I can do is trying. See how it goes and if I don't like it, I leave. I like Sean and I think he likes me too. Being there for each other it's comforting. Besides he is the only human who found out who I am and didn't run away. He wants to stay with me. Live with me. He just asked for one little sacrifice. No more spells. I can make it. I want to. I never lived with a man, never spent time with someone. I need a man by my side, someone who supports me, do things with me that a regular person would do, and reminds me how is to live like a human. Be human. This is my chance, and I won't lose it.

— This is what I was thinking... I wish I knew how wrong I was. You don't have to lose yourself for anyone. It's wrong to change your life just for the people who don't like your real self. No one deserves that. No one.

But I didn't know, I didn't see... This choice will cost my life, myself, and my happiness.

By erasing a part of my life, I don't exist. My soul fades out, and my heart stops.

After a long trip we finally reach our destination

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After a long trip we finally reach our destination. Louisiana, in fact the land we were looking for, it's in New Orleans.

The car stops, I look around through the window and I see men walking around, working, caring things. On the other side there is a big wooden house, on its right there are smaller wooden houses and in its left, there is a barn with horses. Horsemen come and go.

For some weird reason I feel the danger. I see enemies everywhere. Strange men, unknown people who looks at our car curious. I decided to live in a place away from the city, with a man that I know for a few months. What was I thinking? This feels wrong. The life here is something different than I've imagined. I can't live in a small village, being a farmer, or whatever job they will give me. What can I possibly do here? Work as...what? This will be a disaster; I can feel it.

"Everything is going to be fine," Sean says quietly, "we have each other, don't worry, we can make it."

He tries to comfort me, but I can see how worried he is. I nod. He steps out of the car. I stay still. I close my eyes and think. I have to calm myself down. Give it a chance. Maybe I will earn some money and then leave, as far away as it possible. I open the door and get out of the car. I see a man, in his forties I think, he has blonde hair, beard, and blue eyes. He walks toward us. He says hi to Sean and hugs him. Sean looks around and the man turns to me. He stares at me. I ignore him.

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now