Chapter 3

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It's been three weeks now and everything's quiet

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It's been three weeks now and everything's quiet. Sean came back home, and I take care of him. He is getting better and better. These past three weeks, I take care of the house, the food, Sean, everything, He prescribes painkillers to help him through the night and some pills for his wounds to heal faster. Scott helps me, but also a nurse that I hired for Sean. She stays with us, sleeps here at nights. She helps me move him, change his bandages, she cooks for him and me sometimes, I make tea or coffee, I do the housework, and security. She doesn't know, but I do. I sleep on the couch, be ready for "uninvited visitors", but thankfully, we don't have any.

For a couples of weeks, Scotts is with me too, he doesn't meet Sean, he only talks with me and helps me with the house and shopping.

Lately Sean feels a better and the nurse goes back to her house for the nights. So now, we are alone. I'm so worried so I check up on him every single night, guarding. He seems so different to me now than when I first met him. Innocent, kind, sweet and most of all not in trouble. Perhaps the best cover for me but also the perfect person for me to have the new beginning I was longing for a year now.

I watch him sleep. He moves his head slightly, and then his body, slowly. He's still in pain, he blinks a couple times trying to wake himself up. His eyes barely open.

"Serene, is that you?"

I frown, it hurts me seeing him like this. "I made you some tea and I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Oh... thanks, it hurts a little but I'm fine," he says in low voice, "The wound is a little sore but I'm fine." He tries to sit.

"Slowly Sean, be careful."

He grimaces because of the pain, "thanks for taking care of me. When you're here I almost forget the pain."

"It'll heal soon Sean. The pain will go away, and everything will be fine. Everything will go back to normal; I promise."

"I know I already feel better, it's just the pain. Nothing else."

I smile at him and get up walking to the door.

"Hey, don't go, stay with me for a while."

"Don't you want to rest?"

"I'm okay. I need to talk to you. It's been three weeks and we haven't talked. How are you? When I passed out, what happened?"

"Nothing happened really. They left because they thought they had killed you. They were terrified. And then I called an ambulance and we got to the hospital. That's all. there's not much to it."

He shakes his head affirmatively.

"I don't remember much to be honest."

"You don't need to. Well, I'm going to leave you rest.

"No, stay, please," he smiles politely, "I don't want to be alone."

"Okay, but just for a while and you have to lay down."

Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now