Chapter 5

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The days are passing by and I'm feeling more and more like home, and comfortable

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The days are passing by and I'm feeling more and more like home, and comfortable. I wake up to the Hawk's sound this morning. I open my eyes and I see it right outside the window, sitting on the marble wall, looking right at me. I stand up and get close to the window. But just before I open it, the Hawk flows away.

Maybe it's just me, but I have the feeling that this bird is trying to show me something. I don't give it much thought though.

I get ready and go to the stables to check my horse, I stay with it for a quite while thinking about the Hawk once again, when I suddenly hear a sound. I instantly turn around and realized it's Sean.

"Did I scare you? Sorry I didn't..." he asks worried.

I stare at him. "Morning Sean," I smile.

He stands still, without speaking, looking at me, he looks lost, his eyes are on mine. I realize that the reason is me, I laugh and turn around to run my hand down the horse's mane and then I walk up to Sean. He keeps staring at me.

"Did you come here to get the horses ready or to get them clean?"

"To... to UHMM... What?"

I scoff.

"Yes, to get them clean."

"Good, I'm going to go then so I don't distract you."

"You're not!"

"I still have to get to my class though, they're waiting for me."

"Oh right," he laughs nervously.

"See you."

"Serene, I'm sorry that I scared you, I was just looking at how blandly you were petting the horse and..."

"No, it's okay. Have a good day," I nod smiling.

He looks at me frozen and stares in my eyes again, hypnotized.

I can't hold my laugh, while I'm walking away.

"Uhh good day Serene!" he shouts and huffs.

I don't turn around, I keep walking.

I don't turn around, I keep walking

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Lost in the Darkness Saga: Being Human 2022 (1st Book)Where stories live. Discover now