The past stays in the past... sort of

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I jump back, taking my hands off his shoulders immediately. I look up at the boy and see him staring down at me with a smirk on his face.

"I am so sorry" I say, then I push past him and run off before I can hear if he responded. I don't look back either, I don't want to see if he is looking at me.

Good to know that someone shape shifts. "I bet that's fun to have around" I say quietly to myself.

"What's fun to have around?"

I turn and see Mirabel, or at least I hope it's Mirabel.

"Are you actually Mirabel? Or someone pretending to be Mirabel?" I say, kind of hesitantly.

"Ah you must've met Camilo" She says while laughing, "Yeah he does that sometimes, it's truly a pain"

Camilo huh, at least I know his name now.

"I actually ran into him just now while looking for you, he was laughing pretty hard, did something happen?" Mirabel asks

"Oh no nothing happened, I was actually looking for you" I say, trying to change the topic of the conversation. "I'm really sorry about-"

"Don't" Mirabel interrupts, "Isabela has no reason to judge you and I'm sorry for what she said"

"Actually, I was going to tell you why I'm here" I say, "you've been so kind ever since I've arrived, and I think you deserve to know what happened back at my old village"

Mirabel smiles, "thank you for trusting me, lets go to a more private place, but just know that Dolores is going to hear everything"

I forgot about her. I wasn't planning on telling Mirabel the truth. I just don't want her to hate me like Isabela, and maybe it will soften the blow if I sprinkled in a couple lies, but if Dolores hears, she will know I'm lying and tell Abuela.

We arrive back at the small room and we take a seat on the bed. I decide to only tell her half the truth. She will be happy, and she doesn't have to know that it isn't the whole story. Plus Dolores won't be mad because technically I'm not lying.

"Back in my old village..." I begin, "No one really liked me" Which isn't a lie, everyone hated me. "I had no friends," That's true, "I was so lonely" Also true.

"I'm so sorry" Mirabel places a hand on my shoulder, "I don't mean to pry, but is there a reason why no one liked you?"

"I don't know why everyone hated me... they just did" Now that's a lie, I know exactly why everyone hated me. I was a terrible person, I would've hated me too, "I didn't fit in or meet their standards, so I left"

Mirabel gives me a hug, "Well you fit my standards y/n, thank you for telling me." She smiled, "you're smart for leaving that terrible place, I hope you can find comfort and happiness in the Encanto"

It actually does feel better, telling Mirable my past, well... some of my past. I hate to lie to her, all she has ever done was be kind, but I want her to get to know me a little better before telling her the whole story. I just hope Dolores doesn't say anything.

Mirabel and I both stand up off the bed. Mirabel checks her watch, "oh my, we are almost late for dinner! lets go!"

She on pulls my arm for me to follow her, but my feet don't move.

"Y/n?" She says looking at me

"I can't go" I say to her, "Isabela will be there, and with my luck she'll throw flowers in my face" I can't face Isabela, she will be so angry that I am still here, and make everyone in the family turn against me.

"Abuela will be there, she won't let Isabela do anything to you"

Mirabel's right, Abuela won't let Isabela do anything too terrible. So I follow Mirabel down the stairs, to the dining area. Everyone has their own assigned seat, and I feel left out. What was I expecting? I'm crashing on this family's parade, I don't expect them to even have food for me.

I am standing alone looking at the table when I suddenly see Luisa walk in with a chair above her head. She then pushes apart the other chairs to make an open spot, and places the one above her head down.

"Think we would just leave you to stand?" Luisa says to me while laughing.

I smile, feeling a lot better. Mirabel comes out of the kitchen with a stack of plates. I go towards her and take half of them, together we set the dinner table. I don't want to feel like an inconvenience so I try my best to help. Slowly more people are filling the dining room, including Isabela, but I am refusing to look at her, though I can feel her eyes are piercing the back of my head.

"Everyone please take your seats" Abuela tells everyone

I take my newly placed seat next to Mirable and an empty chair.

"Where is Camilo?" Abuela sounds annoyed

"He is on his way" Dolores says listening for his footsteps.

There is suddenly a big crash and everyone turns their heads to the entryway. The boy in yellow who I had recently learned to be Camilo then emerged and stood in the doorframe, with a guilty smile on his face.

"That vase wasn't important was it?" He asks

Abuela shook her head and sighed, Camilo then took his seat, which was the one next to mine.

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