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I carefully open the door and step into the hallway. I slowly walk down the hall to the door with the name 'Camilo' written on it.

It's the middle of the night, am I supposed to knock or just walk in? I carefully place my hand on the doorknob, and take a deep breath.

I then take my hand away, what am I doing? I pace back and forth in the hallway, thinking to myself.

'It's so weird if I just walk into his room. Then again, he did the same thing to me the other night'

I go back to the door and place my hand on the doorknob once more. I take my hand off and begin pacing again.

'What am I going to do when I'm in there? I can't just go in and watch him sleep.'

I finally figure out a plan, I walk up to the door one more time, and slowly open it. The room is dark with only the light from the window shining in. I close the door and step further inside. Thankfully the moon is bright enough that I can see where I am going.

I walk up to Camilo's bed and pause for a moment.

I get scared when I hear his voice, "You coming in?"

I quietly laugh as he lifts the covers slightly, inviting me to join him. I climb under the blankets and lay on my back facing the ceiling.

In his tired voice he says, "I was wondering how long you were going to spend walking the hallways before you actually worked up the courage to open the door"

"I didn't know you could hear me" I say a little embarrassed

He laughs, "Are you just going to lay beside me, or are you going to come any closer?"

I shyly shift in his direction until I feel his arm wrap around me, quickly pulling me towards him. My back is pressed up against his chest, which is when I realize that he isn't wearing a shirt.

"Camilo, you aren't wearing a shirt" I whisper

"Say my name like that again and I won't be wearing anything at all"

I choke on my spit.

Camilo starts quietly laughing, "I can go put one on if you'd like"

I pause for a moment, "It's fine I guess"

He laughs in my ear.

Camilo's arms are wrapped tightly around me, and our legs are jumbled together. The feeling of his bare skin on my back is giving me shivers. This is much nicer than that night in the woods.

The sound of his breathing and the movement of his chest rising and falling cause me to slowly drift into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I am brutally awakened by the feeling of someone dragging me out of bed by my nightgown.

"What the hell are you doing in bed with my son?" Pepa yells

I'm too confused to say anything, I get to my feet and look at Camilo

"Y/n what were you doing in my bed?" He says

I'm shocked, did he completely forget about yesterday? About last night?

"Camilo?" I want him to say something, to stop this.

"I don't know what you're doing y/n" He says, his face has no emotion.

My heart drops as I'm pushed out of the room by Pepa. In the hall I'm met with Abuela, standing with her arms crossed.

"I told you to stay away y/n, can you not listen to simple instructions?" She says, she grabs my arm and pulls me down the stairs.

"Please Abuela, I'm sorry." I plea, "Where's Mirabel? Please let me talk to her!"

Abuela ignores my request and pushes me out the front door of the Casita.

"Don't try coming back" Abuela says as she slams the door.

"Y/n, y/n!"

What is that?

"Y/n wake up"

I jolt awake to Camilo shaking me.

"Y/n are you ok?" He says looking into my eyes

It was all just a dream. It's still dark outside, and I'm still in Camilo's bed.

"Y/n you were crying" Camilo says as he wipes the tears off my face with his thumb, "Are you ok?"

I nod my head without saying a word, that dream, it just felt so, real.

"Just a bad dream, that's all" I mumble

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

I take a moment to recall my dream, "Pepa found us in your room, and when she got mad" I pause, "You agreed with her"


"Then Abuela kicked me out of the house"

I start sniffling again, I love living here, and even the thought of leaving makes me sad.

"What do you mean when I agreed?"

"Pepa asked what I was doing here, then you acted as if you hated me" I whisper.

Camilo grabs me and pulls me in close, "I could never hate you mi amour" He whispers in my ear.

He kisses me on my forehead and hugs me tight. I fall back asleep in his arms.

I wake up to the sun shining in the room. I look up at Camilo and his eyes are still closed.

"Good morning" I whisper, checking to see if he is actually asleep

I see him open one eye then quickly close it again. I laugh at him and he smiles.

"I was going to see if this time you would try exploring my belly button." He starts laughing

I roll over and hide my face under a pillow.

"Why you hiding y/n? You can touch my belly button if you want" he says

"I don't want to touch your belly button Camilo!" I laugh and flip the pillow onto his face

"Ow y/n that hurt!" Camilo instantly stops laughing and rolls to the other side of the bed

I feel really bad, "I'm so sorry are you ok?" I ask as I move closer to him

Camilo then suddenly flips over and starts trying to tickle me.

"Ahhh stop please I'm ticklish!"

"That's what you get for hitting me with a pillow"

"It was a pillow! You're going to live" I can barely get the words out from all my laughter.

We slowly calm down and I catch my breath. I look over at Camilo who has a big smile on his face.

"Good to know you're ticklish" He laughs

I roll my eyes as he places a kiss on my cheek.

Together we lay in his bed chatting about our plans for the day as we make no effort in getting out of bed for breakfast.

That is when we hear a knock on the door.

A/N: I want to apologize for that chapter lol. There were times when it was just too easy to embarrass y/n and I have no willpower. I was laughing so hard when writing this though, definitely one of my top three fav chapters aha.

A lot of people have been asking me for my posting schedule, but I don't really have one. It all depends on how busy I am that day and how long/detailed the chapter is. But I can always guarantee one chapter a day for sure, sometimes two, never three.

Thanks again for reading!

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