02 | friend

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It was almost 12 o'clock in the afternoon of the New Year's when Euijin left her apartment to head to her office. Everyone received a day off on New Year's, however she decided to go for work to fix the glitches in Jeno's Bubble application, which seemed to only be fixable through the main computer and not their personal laptops.

The elevator Euijin was in dinged as the door opened to an elderly woman waiting in front of the door. A warm smile formed on her face as she stepped into the elevator.

"Happy New Year to you, young lady," she wished, a warm smile still curved on her face.

"Happy New Year to you too," wished Euijin back, before asking her, "Are you heading out?"

"Yes, I'm visiting my daughter and grandchildren today." She replied. Euijin could see her excitement through her eyes, noticing how much love she has for her daughter. "What about you? Are you visiting your family?"

"Oh no, I'm actually going to my office to do some extra work."

"You're going to work on a holiday? Don't forget to spend some of your time for your family as well, young lady. Even a call would make them happy." She said just as the elevator halts to a stop.

"Yes, I will. Have a safe trip and I hope you enjoy your day!" Said Euijin just as they separated, the elderly making her way to the lobby of the apartment to wait for her daughter, meanwhile Euijin heads to the car park. She drove herself to the office while the car radio plays festive songs, but she wasn't feeling excited at all. It wasn't because she was driving to work. If any, her work is the only thing making her happy these days. Holidays don't seem to thrill her anymore, they just feel like normal days to her.

As she arrived at her office, she made her way straight to the room allocated for their team. The building was evidently quieter than usual, with only a few people around. After fixing the error in Jeno's Bubble codes -  a glitch weirdly specific to Jeno's only, she returned to her desk, accessing the program she left untouched for a few months already. She couldn't sleep last night, thinking of the Universe application she's about to let a worldwide-known idol try. She wondered if she got too excited in allowing someone to try her software, what if the program wasn't ready at all? She certainly doesn't want to embarrass herself, let alone to Lee Jeno. She then spent her next few hours trying and perfecting Universe, until exhaustion overwhelmed her body.

Euijin yawned for the nth time and decided that maybe it was time for her to stop working on the software. She turned off her monitor, packing her stuffs and making her way back to her car. As she started the engine of her car, a deep sigh left her parted lips.

"Maybe I really should visit them," she muttered to herself. She had two destinations in her head, her apartment or her parents' home. She hesitated for a longer while, before deciding to drop by her parents' house. Euijin spent the next half an hour in her car, getting stuck in traffic as she made her way to their house, letting herself drown in the slow songs playing in the background while her mind wanders somewhere else.

As Euijin arrived, she stopped her car just before entering the driveway. Another sigh left her exhausted body as she leaned her head against the headrest, closing her eyes shut before muttering to herself, "Are you really ready to meet them, Euijin?"

She exchanged looks between the door of their house and her phone that was resting on the passenger seat. She made up her mind and took her phone, dialing on a number as her eyes wanders off to the house in the distant. "Hello, mom," she greeted as soon as the line were answered. She could here faint voices of kids screaming in the background, recognizing immediately the voices that belonged to her niece and nephew.

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