12 | punj coes

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"Alright, enough drinks, both of you." Woojin said as he watched his two female friends knocked out after a few bottles - a few cups in the case of Hyera.

It's been a few hours since Euijin invited both Hyera and Woojin over to her place, an invitation to get drunk with her.

Knowing how much care the two of them would need, Woojin didn't drink as much but let the two girls drink instead. Hyera was totally knocked out while Euijin was still a little sober.

"I'm a professional drinker, you know?" Euijin said, half sober as she reached out for the closest empty bottle to her, whining a sulky "it's empty,".

"Why is it empty? Who emptied it? Why didn't they think of me before emptying it? So selfish!"

"Uhm Euijin, you finished it yourself." Woojin said, holding back his laughter as he watched the antics of his drunk friend.

"I hate my life," Euijin muttered. Her words were influenced by the alcohol she consumed, but it sounded a little real that it immediately stole the attention of Woojin.

"Hey don't say that," he said, making his way to the lady sitting on the ground with her head leaning on the table.

"What does it feel like to be able to do what makes you happy?" She muttered.

"Jin, come on. Let's get you to bed."

"No! I don't want to sleep! I want to drink! I want to get drunk and forget everything tonight!"

"But you're already drunk," Woojin sighed, attempting to make Euijin stand up to bring her to her bedroom. His attempt ended in failure as the girl dropped herself back to her initial position.

"I miss my friends," she mumbled.

"Hyera and I are here with you, you know?"

"No, not you. My other friends."

"Do you have other friends?"

"I don't..." She replied. It took her only a few seconds before she started crying - another effect of the alcohol.

"Okay, come on. Time to go to bed." Woojin said, giving it another try. He succeeded this time - well in helping her walk to her room but before he knew it, she threw herself on her bed. He sighed before putting down her phone on the bedside table, pulling up her blanket to cover her whole body before he left the bedroom, now taking care of Hyera who passed out on the couch a while ago.

 He sighed before putting down her phone on the bedside table, pulling up her blanket to cover her whole body before he left the bedroom, now taking care of Hyera who passed out on the couch a while ago

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YO Dream with Miss Universe
11.27 pm

i mids toh gits

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