Chapter 1

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High School.

Also labelled as 'Hell Hole' to others.

But to me, it has always been labelled as 'A Second Home'.

Because just like home, you get used to it, comfortable even.

"You're zoning out again." Sally mutters, pushing me to the side so others can by pass.

"Sorry." I sigh, scratching my forehead rougly.

"Are you alright, Valentina? " my best friend gives me a puzzle look, which surprisingly,  she gives it more often now.

"I'm just annoyed- I wish people could appreciate this wonderful school because the food is nice and Excersion's are free." I point out, "plus we have education."

"Please don't start this again." Sally pleaded, but I simply ignore her and carry on.

"Their are countries which they have to fight to get education in school and here we are complaining about it."

It does really anger me. People focus too much on this 'hate' for high school because this is how society feels about it, because as a teenager's duty, they are suppose to dislike it.

"Why does this effect you?"

"It doesn't but-"

"Seriously Valentina? You get too much emotion on something that doesn't concern you, as always."  She huffs. "It's not even that much important."

I slowely nod, forcing out a sweetly smile at her and she returns it too. I guess I'll let her have the last say , only because the bell is about to bring.

Not wanting to really be late for my last period - Music, I wave to her signaling me to go, making her nod and walk off with a little wave.

Where was room K101 again?

Mentally growling I turn to the other direction. Of course, it's in the other side of the building, which takes at least 8 minutes to get too.

"Great" I mumble, my eyes feeling sleepy all of a sudden.

Ignoring the urge to fall asleep, I quicken my pace, noticing the crowd walk slower because of how they dread to go to class.


"Excuse me." I respectfully tap a man's slender shoulder, wanting him to quickly move out of the way.

He doesn't.

I huff in annoyance as I shove him aside and speed run practically to my class.

"You're late." Miss Wiggnikers states, eyeing me up and down with her big brown eyes, while her golden thick stick tapping in her right hand.

"Sorry, Miss." I smile warmly.


Not wanting to get more attention on me, I nod, moving towards the back of the class.

Miss Wiggnikers starts handing out booklets  based on what we have been learning for the past 7 weeks.

"For the rest of the lesson, I want you to complete the booklet and hand it in the end of the bell." Ignoring her grammar errors in her sentence, I nod - just like everyone else is doing.

I scan the pages. Oh surgar, I don't remember anything.

I glance at the clock above. Thirty minutes.

Doing my best as I can,  I reread the questions and ever so slowely, answer.

"Time's up."

Not even 4 pages completed.

As everyone slowely hands their paper in, I get up from my seat, looking around the classroom.

Even though this class was a 'music ' classroom,  they wasn't a single instrument- well, only the piano.

"Valentina, hurry up!" Miss Wiggnikers snaps, making me flinch slightly.

"Yes Miss." I mutter angrily, exhaling some air.

Before she opens her mouth, I smile to her and walk off with a fast pace.

"At least it's Friday." Muttering to no one in particular.

Oh. Church. My eyes widen.

"Oh , I don't want to be late again." I look around, spotting a bus stop just a couple steps away.

I run to it.

"Come on, come on. Please bus, please hurry up" I panic, my vision getting blurry.

I take a deep breath.

Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Oh please, if I'm late, please forgive my sins, God.

Luckily, thank heaven's,  the bus just arrives.

I knew you wouldn't let me down, God.

Thank you.

I squeeze through the crowd, trying to find an empty chair.

"Sorry Ma'm. The bus is clearly full, don't think you can sit." the bus driver says.

Was he talking to me?

I turn to his direction. His eye's wasn't on me, but on someone else's.

I scan the crowd to see who he was saying it too.

It was an old lady.

My brown eye's widens, as I witness what I'm seeing before me.

The lady  was coughing nonstop, sweat dripping from her pale face while her legs trembling heavily.

She must have walked alot to get here.

I watch as the lady turned and starting heading back.

"Wait!" I call out.

I guess being just a little bit late to church won't make me a bad person, right?

"Sir, let her stay. I'll get off."

"Oh no,you don't have to." The old lady looked at me, wide eyed that I was getting off the bus and helping her to get on.

I smile. "But I want to."

"Thank you, my dear." She gives me a tight hug, making the crowd form lots of 'awes'.

"No problem." I smile widely, displaying my white teeth.

She waves at me and I do the same, while slowely getting off.

God will definitely forgive me since this was the right thing to do. He would understand.

Sorry, it's not really good, but hey, it's just still the start. Can't start off to quickly;)

Thoughts on Valentina? :)

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