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Warning: Alot of Swearing in this chapter.

Btw: This is a Perspective of the Bad boy, the way he can speak in this story is by swearing, because that's in his personality. So please bear with it.


Saxlons POV

Stupid fůcking dumb foster care.

Every fůcking children are here, eyeing me up and down, clueless to why I'm here and wanting answers.

I fůcking hate children. And I fûcking fųck hate this stupid place.

"Excuse me?" I feel something poking me, I look down with a frown on my face.

"What little kid?" I spat out, anger about to burst out of me. Just arrived in this ugly dorm and already have to communicate with these idiots.

"Um- well- why are you in this dorm? You look older than us." He shakily whispered, clutching his stupid ugly teddy bear tightly.

"No shįt." I pause, looking down at the reaction of this little kid. He looked scared, he was trembling even. Good.

Great, now I have to example to this fůcker.

"I'm here because I have to. I don't have a fůcking choice or say about this. Now- stop mother fůcking looking all shocked and scared- pīss off now."

The little fůcker gulped loudly, his eyes were filling with water. "Y-you sound just like my daddy before he h-hits me, are you going to hit me too?"

"If you keeping looking at me and acting all sissy, yes." I smirk widely, making him trembly nod and walk off to the other kids.

The kids looked around twelve- or maybe nine. Most of them looked like they were abused, red marks around their face and some had scratches all over their legs and arm.

The rest of the kids, they looked physically okay- mentally, not so much.

"Fůcking hell, I better get out of here." I hit the dull wall with my fist, making some little kids look over and move away.

Good. Stupid immature little twăts.

"Calm down- you're scaring everyone." A new voice speaks out. A girl around fifteen with blue short hair, with lots of piercing around her neck. Her arms crossed , displaying the large tattoos over her arm. The girl clearly didn't look like someone who would study and listen to her mommy and daddy.

How the fuck did she get tattoos at her age even?

"Fůck off." I spat out. I fucking hate everyone here. Just looking at everyone makes me sick to my gut.

"Silver boy, If you be this moody, you seriously won't get out of here." She chuckles, making a frown to form on my face.

"What the fůcking fūck you said?"

"You need to have some manners. No one will adopt you like this." She shruggs.

"I know." I huff, sitting on this random kid's bed, "I can just mother-fųcking act like I have manners. You know?"

The girl rolls her eyes, slightly walking off slowely.

"Well, good luck. Think you need it."

"Luck's always on my fůcking side." I call out.

Who am I fůcking kidding. Luck's never on my side. Trouble is though.


First book on wattpad. Thoughts? :) it's just the beginning, will get better ;)

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