Chapter 12

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"What are you doing with the puppy?" I stare at the small white poodle, which it was whimpering nonstop.

"Killing it."

Then in less than secounds the legs and head of the puppy was chopped off, from the sharp deadly knife.


Saxlon's POV

I hear the ugly door close, meaning, they were gone.

"Fuck. " I mutter, clutching my fists. "Fucking fuck."

"Swearing won't help." His voice echos from the hallway.

No matter how many fůcking people he fooled, he never fooled me. He was slurring the whole way through while talking to my foster mom and foster sister , but they didn't noticed. He was trying to cover it up with his fake british dumb accent.

Devlor sat back on his couch, leaning back, his ugly evil grey eyes looking amused.

"You don't look so happy to be here." Devlor takes a sip of his beer that was in front of him, gulping quickly.

"Must be your imagination ." I mutter, careful with my words.

"Oh, we all know you're scared of me," the bastard sits back in front of me , evil spreading to his lifeless eyes, "what I don't get is , why?"

I humorless chuckle, leaning forwad from the black couch.

"I'm not scared of you." I disgustly stare in his eyes, my voice tone matching his.

"But?" He smirks, exactly knowing ny thoughts.

"But I fůcking despite you and your sick twisted personality."

"What ever do you mean?" He raise his eyebrows in amusment.

"You had sex with my sisters when they were fůcking thirteen!" I roar, clutching my fists tigtly, "you fůcking made my mom mental and same with my fůcking dad."

I stare at his lifeless fůcking eyes, the eye which I used to want to see from. Used to wanted to even have the same dumb grey eye colour as this bàstard.

"You fůcking made me into this. You fůcking made me watch you kill dogs effortlessly for two whole years." I spat out, getting up from my seat, " you taught me how to kill people and animals at the age of nine."

"You wanted though." He threw back.

"No one fůcking knows what they want at the age of nine." I kick his metal table with my foot, feeling my veins popping out, "you have this twisted talent. The talent to mess with people's mind, to get inside them, mentally."

"And physically." The fůcker calmly adds.

"Fůck you." I death stare him, slowely siting back down, "fůck you for marrying my mother."

Devlor shruggs his shoulders, "what can I say. Your mom is a gold digger slut."

"Take that fůcking back." I grit my teeth, controlling my temper to not to fůcking kill this psycho.

"She is. " a smirks forms in his abnormally disgusting young face. " What type of a mother isn't a slut when she fůcks her own son?"

I say nothing, knowing if I do, he could make my mother into more trouble.

"You agree now, right?" He chuckles his hands pressing together as another evil smirk forms on his face, "by the way, your foster sister is really... something."

"Don't fûcking bring her into this." My voice low, sounding stern.

The bastard licks his lips slowly, "would love to show her a thing or two. Have you fůcked her yet? Or should I do the honors?"

I stand back up, pulling my fist towards his stomach in seconds, only to be fůcking stopped from his hand grasping mine.

"Ah, ah" he tsks, humor in his voice, his other disgusting hand grabs a sharp knife from his pocket, " you really want me to cut your face with this like before?"

The memories flash back in my mind, of how when he had a emotion, whether happy or anger, he'll show it by cutting my face.

"Do it." I smirk, the smirk almost looking like his, "fůcking dare you."

I feel my forehead burn, as the knife presses on it hard, feeling blood dripping down slowly to my neck.

"Is that all you fůcking got?" My smirks widen, ignoring the small pain.

The knife deepens in my skin, my vision going funny for some seconds.

"Don't test me." He chuckles, the knife lowering down to my cheeks, going deeper to my skin, "you know I always get what I want."

"Stay away from her. " I blurt out, my vision becoming a little blurry, "kill me if you fůcking want to. Just fůcking leave her out of this."

"Your foster sister?"


He laughs but I keep going, forcing my voice out, "she's a good person. I'm not. I deserve this. I deserve pain."

My eyes instanly closes, when something presses in my shoulder.

- * "* * * * * *
(6 hours later)
Valentina'S POV

I nervously stare at my iphone.

It's been 6 hours since we last dropped him off to his step dad's place

It was dark now, the road looking very scary of how empty it was.

"Mom," I mutter, looking up to my mom, who was currently making a U-turn.

"Yes?" She hums softly, the speed of the car increasing.

"Does Saxlon like his step dad?" I bit my lips.

The way he acted, didn't look like he did.

Before it my question was answered, mom gives a sudden stop, making me lean forward very dramatically.

"Valentina!" Mom gasps, her breathing uneven, "I almost hit someone!"

"Pardon?" I fix my hair up, a big frown on my face as I protest what just happened.

Mom gets up and walks in front of our car, leaning on the ground.

What's going on?

I walk to my mom, my eyes widening as a strong smell of blood hits my nose.

I stare down, witnessing a body full in blood.

"Oh my." Mom gasps, " I swear I d-didn't r-ruin him over. I'm sure..." she rambles.

I shakily nod, our car is only a couple of milimeters away from it.

Wait a minute.

I notice the hair of the person was familar.

It was beautifully white, although covered in drips of blood, it was still shiny and white.

"Oh lord." I gasp, pointing at the body as water forms in my eyes, it was too awful to be true.

"Valentina?" Mom stares at me worriedly while her phone pressed on her ear, meaning she was calling the ambulance.

"Saxlon. It's Saxlon !"



I had to start this again because it didn't save :( so its not as long and as detailed , sorryy.

Thoughts on Saxlon's step dad?

Thoughts on Saxlon?

What do you think is going to happen next chapter?

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