Chapter 8

447 35 55

Picture of Valentina ^

Isn't she just so cute?


Saxlon's POV

Fuck fuck fuck.

This is fůcking why I always ditched school.

Everything was too fůcking easy.

Not to mention, everything fůcking sucks here.

People stare at you , point at you and fůcking make stupid rumors. Which is already happening to me.

The one good thing about this state school is the cafeteria.

The cafeteria is the best place in this crappy huge school. They have a mini sushi bar, a soup machine, a sea food area, a vegetarian area and lastly an fast-food area, where all the junk foods that you can imagine are there.

Grabbing a hand full Vegetarian burger from the Vegetarian area, I make my way out, to the ugly dull grey tables, around the exist gates of the school, to sit alone.

Thank fůck it's free period.

The problem is, I need to behave because if I don't, I could get expelled and my foster mom won't be proud, which would mean she'll kick me out and take me back to that stupid ugly foster care.

So the only think I need to do, is to mind my damn business , suck in my stupid pride and suffer this because it is for the best.

"Fůck." I mutter, spitting out the bite I made from the burger.

The taste of the Vegetarian burger was fůcking yuck. The lettuce wasn't even washed properly. The tomato wasnt even cooked properly and their was a fůcking long piece of grey hair that I just swallowed in my mouth.

Fůcking dumb idiots. I'll sue the person who made this.

"A-are you okay, Saxlon?" The familar Australian accent filled my eyes, obviously making me turn around since I'm a nosy motherfůcker.

She doesn't even look Australian but she has the fůcking hot accent.

"Do I fůcking look okay?" I glared.

If she wasn't such an annoying nosy religious girl, I would fůck her senselessly in the daylight.

"Ok ... never mind." She sits in front of me, fidgeting with her fingers, while biting her plump lips.

"Why the fůck are you sitting here?"

"Why can I not?" She snapped back, frowning, displaying her dimples.

Stupid Christian girl with a hot accent. "Whatever."

For a while we were like this, I was eating the disgusting burger because I had nothing else to do, while she was reading this cheesy fan fic book about that Parry- or Karry Styles or whatever his fůcking name was.

"Can I see your timetable? " she blurts out, putting her book away.

"Yer." I take it out of my pocket, handing to her.

She reads it for a few secounds, making some dumb shock expressions while she does.

"You're in all the top classes." She states, her eyes wide.


"Oh lord. You have no idea how much I've been aiming to get to that Math's class! I envy you." She sighs, biting her lips while her eyes still glued to ny timetable.

"Right." I finally take one last bite of the gross burger, before throwing it in the bin that was 10 steps away- which it gladly went in.

"Good aim." Her dark brown eyes glows, handing back my timetable.


"Why are your eyes so red?" she says, suddenly.

Fůck, is it that obvious?

I look around, no one was around here, except us.

"Lack of sleep." My tone low.

"Oh?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yer. Not everyone has sweet dreams and can sleep happily ever after like you, princess." I sarcasticly say, getting up from my seat.

"Saxlon- have you been taking dru-"

"No." I cut her off, clearly lying, "just shut the fůck up and leave me alone."

"Wait- Saxlon-" she pulls my arm. I stop walking.

"What?" I say loudly, facing her. She flinches. Good.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't jump into conclusion. D-don't hate me, please." She hestitatly lets go of my arm, "I'm going to go church after this period ends. Um- do you want to-"


"O-okay." She shakily breaths out, "a-are you going home then after-"

"No." I drily say.

"Where are you going then?" She frowns. I take a step away from her.

"None of your buisness." I turn the other direction, heading towards the school exists gate.

"S-saxlon!" I hear that idiot call back. "C-come straight home after and- just be safe. Please."

"Yer." I call back.

Silly girl. Anywhere I go, it wouldn't be safe.

I lost the feeling of safe long time ago.


Where do you think Saxlon is going?

Thoughts on Valentina?

Thoughts on Saxlon?

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