Chapter 18

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Do not read the flashback if you can not handle fustration and hurt.

I feel my hands get pulled down further more by his.

"I'm only trouble." He hisses. " And I'm going to prove it right now."


My breathing hitches in my throat. The tips of my fingers were shaking uncontrollably , while my lips quivering nonstop from the darkness that I still couldn't see.

Saxlon continues to lower my shaky hands to an unknown place of me, making me even more to freak out.

Why was he doing this? He's a good boy. I can sense it.

"Saxlon, stop." My voice coming out strong and firm, completely the opposite of what I'm feeling.

He ignores me so I open my mouth again.

"If you respect a lady, stop."

I feel him chuckle beneath me. His laugh coming out husky. "And if I don't?"

"You do." I quickly mutter, his hand getting loose on mine, "everyone respects a lady. Even if it's only one lady in the whole world."

Saxlon hums, almost sounding in agreement.

Without a word, I am gently pushed off from his lap, followed by the light coming back into my view.

"Going downstairs." He mumbles, wraping his tie that was covering my eyes a few seconds ago ,around his neck.

"W-wait!" I stand up and ran towards the door, blocking it with my arms.

"I need to ask you something." I breath out, controlling my breathing as his shirt was completely unbuttoned.

He smirks. "Oh?"

Should I ask him now about his step father?

Almost like reading my mind, Saxlon's face goes to neutral. "Move."

My eyes widen. "But-"

"Now." He  says in a commanding voice, making me flinch slightly.

I move to the side,  making him stomp straight out of my room.


"Do you prefer the lambshake or the pasta?" The waitress suggested,  pointing to the picture of the lambshake on my mother's  menu.

"Lambshake sounds nice." My mom hums with a smile, making the lady waitress nod and immediately write it down on her notepad.

"Very well won't take long." She smiles and walks off, leaving me, Saxlon and my mother alone.

My mother was sitting next to me while Saxlon was infront of me,with a bored expression,  playing with the wooden fork.

"I'm sorry I called you's out here last minute." My mom sincerly apologize, curling her hair with her index finger. "I just passed this lovely restaurant and I really wanted to eat here tonight."

The restaurant was indeed lovely.Cozy and lovely.It had a lovely seating place, the table being wooden while the chairs steel.

"Its fine mom." I smile widely, feeling my dimples showing, "it's not really crowded here."

"Ah, very true." My mom takes out her phone, dialing a number. "I'll be right back, need to make an important phone call."

"Alright. " I cheefully say, watching my mom leave with a very concerning face expression.

"Have you been here before?" I ask Saxlon, while taking a sip of my diet coke.

I get no answer in return, making me to awkwardly laugh.

"Is that a no?"

No reply.

Biting my lips to control my fustration, I stare at Saxlon's posture.

It was so effortlessly leaned on the steel midnight chair, that he almost looked like he was relax and carefree.


My eyes widen. "Do you want to play a game? The 'What if' game?"

Hearing no reply, I carry on. "What if, you had a really good friend and you liked them alot." I pause,watching his face to slowly look at mine.

"But, although you're good friends, you are both having arguments all the time, getting worse the more you guys become closer."

His eyes finally connected with mine, a hint of curiosity in his beautiful blue oceanic eyes.

"So," I breath out, "do you want to still be good friends with them?"


"Oh." I slowly say, "why?"

"It's the right choice." He mumbles. "The best choice, infact."

"Oh." I say again, then remembering something from a couple hours ago.

"You respect a woman." I widely smile.


"You didn't do anything to me, because you respect ladies." I grin cheekly, "thank you."

"Only one fůcking lady." Saxlon immediately mumbles, his eyes fixing on my neck.

Just before I ask who, my mom comes back, with two empty plates.

"I bought two plates just incase anyone wanted to share my lambshake." My mom puts the two plates infront of me and Saxlon, with a very, over joyful look.

Saxlons POV
(Age: 6 )

"Dad? What are you doing?"

Step dad was on top of a woman with no clothes on.

The woman didn't look like my mother. She had many drawings on her arm and legs.

"That's not mommy." I frown.

"I fůcking told you to not fůcking call her your fůcking mommy" He hisses, bouncing on the woman.

"Where's mom?"

"Probably working." My step dad speaks, a weird voice coming from him.

"Does mom know you doing this?" I wide eye stare. Dad started to jump on her faster.

"No. Fůck no." He says, then the woman underneath starts making a weird sound.

"Is she hurt?" I stare at the woman
who was making sounds as though she was hurt.

"Oh no. She loves it. All woman love this."

Step dad's bed starts creaking. "Love what?"

Dad lets go of the woman. "Love fůcking."

"Fůcking?" I try to pronounce.

"Yeah. They were made for this." Step father smiles, his laugh echoing in the room. "That's why, don't ever respect a ladie. Number one rule."

Eversince then, I witness my step father, being naked on top of a different woman, each day, for serveral hours.


Authors note:
Im back :)

Thoughts on Saxlon and Valentina?

Thoughts on Saxlon's father?

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