Chapter 30

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The sound of the rain was all Team could hear, while he was lying on Pharm's bed. He didn't wanna go home. It's been 2 days since the incident. He hadn't been home since. He hadn't seen Araya since. What was he supposed to tell her? He was too ashamed to face her. He hurt her, even though that was the last thing he wanted to do. Araya did nothing wrong. She was so nice and she really liked him. She didn't even freak out or scream at him. She was just looking at him, worried, trying to comfort him. Araya deserves an explanation for his action. She deserves to know why he wasn't able to sleep with her. But Team didn't even know why. How could he explain it to her, if he didn't even know it himself? Team was sitting on Pharm's bed, looking at her number on the phone. "Team?" he heard the worried voice of his best friend. Team looked up from his phone. "Araya called me..4 times" he almost whispered. "She must be really worried about you" Pharm said. "Or she wants to scream at me for.." "Team, don't you think you should explain the situation to her? She deserves to know why you.." "What should I tell her if I even don't know it myself. I don't know why I wasn't able to sleep with her. When she was laying atop of me..naked..I panicked. I could feel she wanted it so bad..but something kept me from going any further. I didn't want to disappoint her. But as she started moaning..." "I think she will understand once you explain it to her. From what I have seen, Araya is such a nice girl. I don't think she will stop liking you if you tell her how you were feeling at that moment. But leaving her hanging, without any explanation..that's not what she deserves." "But what if she hates me now? I really like her. I never wanted to hurt her feelings..but I did. What if I ruined everything between us?" Pharm kept stroking Team's shoulders softly. "You will only know if you talk to her."

Team had not been sleeping in his room for the last 2 days. He was too ashamed to see Araya. He knew she was hurt. He hated it. Araya did nothing wrong. She was so nice and she really liked him. She didn't even freak out or scream at him. But Team wanted to explain his action to her. He needed to tell her, why he couldn't do it. Why he wasn't able to have sex with her that night. But the boy was too afraid to talk to her. The boy was sitting on his bed, looking at her number. "I need to explain it to her. Araya deserves at least an explanation" he said to himself and dialed her number with trembling fingers. It did not take long and Team heard Araya's voice on the other side of the phone. "Hello? Team?" she asked softly. "Araya. Hello" he said shyly. "I..I am calling because..I..I was wondering.. if..I mean..if you want..if we could meet." Team expected her to say something like: "No, I don't want to see you. I am busy. Leave me alone" or something similar, instead Araya softly said: "Sure. Let's meet. I can't wait to see you."

Team's whole body was shaking while he was sitting in the coffee shop, waiting for Araya to arrive. It did not take long before Araya arrived. She was as beautiful as always. She was wearing a dress with pink flowers on it. Her brown hair was lying down her shoulder and her lips were red from lipstick. She softly smiled at Team, hugged him, and gave him a kiss on his cheek, before she took a seat across from him. "I am really happy to see you" Araya greeted him with a smile. Team did not know how to begin but he knew it was on him to start the conversation, after all, it was his fault their night ended the way it did. The boy thought about the words he wanted to say to her. He tried to build the right sentence in his head, but when he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly felt Araya's finger on his lips.

"You want to apologize for that night, right?" "How do you know?" Team asked softly. "I know you. That's just how you are. You are just a nice boy, Team. Don't make yourself go crazy about it. I already said it's ok if you're not ready yet. I won't pressure you into something you don't want" Araya said, softly smiling. Team felt horrible. Araya was always so nice to him, and he..couldn't even be honest with her. " wanted it," Team said with guilt in his voice. "I did" she said, blushing while looking to the side. It was still so surreal to Team that someone as beautiful as Araya wants to have sex with someone like him. He was nothing special. Not good-looking, not smart, not rich, not funny. What could someone like Araya see in him? No wonder Win was.. Team was starting to drift away when he heard Araya's voice and felt her hand on his. "Team, I understand. Having sex with someone for the first time is.. just..take your time. We don't need to have sex right away. Actually, I am kind of happy now that we hadn't had sex that night. We were both a bit tipsy..and..that would had been our first time. The first time is always special. I want our first time to be special as well. I can wait. Just tell me when you're ready. I will be waiting for you" she said and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "And stop bothering yourself. I am not mad or anything. I was just worried because..I thought I did something wrong" she almost whispered, not looking at Team. "NO! You did nothing wrong, Araya. It was my fault. I was the one, who..I really wanted to..but somehow.." "You don't have to explain anything. I already said..I understand. Let's take things slowly, ok?"

"Team is engaged" Win couldn't stop thinking about that. It was Friday night and he was sitting on his computer, writing an essay he had to prepare, but his head was full of Team.

'Why can't I forget him? Why can't I be happy for him? ' Win thought when he suddenly felt two arms around his neck. "Don't you think it's time for a break?" he heard Samiya's voice. Win smiled at her. "Let me guess, Wan is busy and you are bored," he said. "You know him. He has a business meeting tomorrow, which means he has a thousand things to prepare" Samiya sighed at her brother-in-law. "Come on. Let's go somewhere. I haven't been in a club for months" Samiya pleaded. "I am not really in the mood" Win explained. "Pleeease. You could need some distraction, too. Don't you think? You've been working the whole time since you are here. It's time to have some fun." Samiya smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I have so many things to do" Win said. "You are just like your brother" she replied laughing. "What did you say?!" Win said, playing offended. "Yes. I am wondering if View is as boring as you and Wan?" Samiya said jokingly. "Me? Boring?" "Yes. Boring." "I am many things. Smart, handsome, funny.." "Don't forget humble" Samiya added with a smirk. "But I am not boring. Ok, you know what? Let's go out! Besides..I think I need some alcohol tonight."

"I am so happy you decided to join me!" Samiya said when they entered the club. The music was a bit too loud for Win's liking, but he would get used to it. Besides, all he wanted was something to drink to get this thought out of his head. He needed something to distract him and going out drinking with Samiya would do that. He had always enjoyed spending time with her. He was lucky that at least his brother was lucky in love because even though he worked too much and Samiya complained about it to him often, he knew that Samiya and Wan love each other more than anything. He could see it in his brother's eyes whenever he talked about her, as well as in her eyes when she complaints about him. She always smiles while complaining. It was neither her fault nor Wan's that he was the hire of a successful company. "I envy you" Win suddenly said. "What do you mean?" Samiya looked at him surprised. "You and Wan. You two had so many obstacles to overcome, because of your family. But that never stopped you from being together." Samiya smiled softly at her brother-in-law. "Can I tell you a secret?" Samiya asked. "Sure" Win replied surprised. "But you have to promise me you won't tell least not yet" "I promise" Win answered. Samiya smiled, took his hand, and put it on her belly. "I am pregnant. Wan and I are having a baby."

Win was looking at his sister-in-law in shock. " are pregnant?!" he said with a big smile on his face. "I am" Samiya answered smiling. "I..I am so happy for you two!" Win hugged her tight. "Oh, I am so sorry. Did I hurt the baby" he said worriedly while putting his hands on her belly. "No. Don't worry. I am glad you are happy about it." "Why wouldn't I? I am going to be an uncle" Win almost cried because of happiness. "Do you think my parents or Wan won't be happy about it?" he asked concerned when he saw the worried look on Samiya's face. Samiya shook her head. "I am not worried about your parents or Wan. I am worried because of my parents. You know they don't like.." "My family" Win completed the sentence. "I am sorry. It is not your fault" Samiya tried to smile. "Let's not talk about it anymore. I want us to have fun tonight. Besides, as long as I have Wan and you by my side, there is nothing I have to be afraid of." "Your child is going to have the best uncle in the whole world," Win said with a soft smile. "Thanks Win. But I think you will be a great uncle, too" Samiya jokingly said. "Because you were obviously talking about View, weren't you?" Both were laughing and hugging each other and for a moment Win was happy. For a moment he did not think about the person who makes his heart beat faster than anyone else. For a moment he was just happy. Happy for his brother..and happy for Samiya. "I can't wait to meet you..little bean" he whispered against Samiyas belly while stroking it softly.

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