Chapter 21

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Win was sitting on the plane. Crying. His eyes were puffy and red from all the tears falling down his cheeks. But he knew, it was for the better. He had to leave. He couldn't take it any longer. Seeing him..and knowing that he has a girlfriend. Knowing..that he loves someone else..He couldn't take it anymore. The pain was too much. He really wished Team to be happy. He wanted him to be happy, even if it was not him who causes his happiness. But he could not stay and watch him being happy with someone else. He was not strong enough. "I really wish you to be happy, Team. I really do and I hope she loves much as I love you."

Team was in shock. He fell onto his knees and cried bitterly. His heart was broken into pieces. He was gone. He lost Win. Why did he not get it sooner? Why did he not tell him sooner, that he had feelings for him? Now it was too late. Everything he wanted to tell him..was left unsaid. Team winced when he suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "Team?", he heard Pharm's voice. "He is gone, Pharm. I lost him", Team said with a broken voice. "I lost him. I..Why didn't I  realize it sooner?! Why..?!" "Team, I..I don't know what to say. I am so sorry", Pharm said, still one hand on Team's shoulder. "Why did he leave me? Why didn't he tell me? I thought..I thought there was something between us. I thought..he felt the same. But why..why did he leave..without telling me? Am I such a big burden to him..that he  did not want to tell me in person?" Pharm did not know what to say. The only thing he could do was to stay by Team's side and try to comfort him as well as possible, even though he knew, that nothing he would say could lessen the pain Team was feeling right now. Team could not stop crying. He was still kneeling on the ground of the airport and cried. He cried until he had no more tears left to cry. It was already evening when Pharm and Manaow brought him back to the condo. Team did not cry anymore, he couldn't. His eyes looked empty. He did not talk the whole way from the airport to his condo. Pharm and Manaow did not leave him..the whole night. The three were laying in Team's bed, cuddling him. Trying to comfort him. This night, Team dreamed of Win. He dreamed of losing him again. And he cried in his sleep. When he woke up..he cried even more, because he realized, that it was not a dream. Win was gone. He lost him. Forever.

It was already late evening when Win arrived at his new apartment in New York. Wan and Samiya had already been waiting for him. "Win! Finally! How was your flight?", Samiya asked and hugged her brother-in-law. "Samiya. It was ok. I slept almost during the entire time", Win said with a soft smile. He lied. The truth was he did not sleep at all. He couldn't. He cried almost the whole flight. Samiya knew, that Win lied. She could see it on his face. His eyes were red and puffy. He cried..and Samiya knew why. "So..are you really sure you want to live with your big brother again?", Wan asked with a mischievous grin. "I don't have a choice or have I?", Win replied in the same manner. "Don't tease him, Wan", Samiya scolded him. "I haven't seen my little brother for so long. Can't I tease him just a tiny little bit?", Wan said with a big smile on his lips. Win was used to it. Wan has always been like that. He loved teasing his little brothers. "You had a long flight. Aren't you tired, Win?", Samiya asked softly, while stroking his cheek. Win closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her warm hand on his cheek. He really missed her. "Let me take you to your room", she said and took the suitcase. Win smiled softly and followed her. The room was not that big, but bigger than his old one back in Thailand. It only had a desk, a bed, and a cupboard in it. "Do you need anything?", Samiya asked worriedly. "No, thank you. Do you know where my roommate is?", Win asked. "The housekeeper said, he is in the library. But he will come soon. I hope you will get along well." "I do, too", Win said with a smile. "I will leave you alone now. You probably want to unpack your suitcase first. If you need know where to find us", Samiya said and left Win alone. When Samiya had left the room, Win let himself sank to the ground. Suddenly all the feelings he had tried to suppress while he was on the plane came out. He thought about Team. He missed him already so much. Being apart from him hurt. Win could no longer hold back his tears. He started crying. "I miss him already", he whispered to himself, while thick tears were running down his cheeks.

It took him a few hours, but Team finally managed to fall asleep. Manaow and Pharm were holding him, so he was able to sleep a few hours. But when he woke up, he realized what had happened. Win was gone. He left him. When he looked into the mirror, he was shocked. His whole face was puffy and red. And even though he had no tears left to cry, he looked miserable. "Team? How are you feeling?", he heard Pharm's voice from behind. "My head hurts", Team answered and put a hand on his head. "Could you sleep a bit?", Manaow asked. "A little. Thank you for staying with me", Team replied. "Sure. are our best friend. We don't leave you", Pharm said. "Do you want to eat something? How about I cook something?", he suggested. "THAT is a great idea", Manaow responded and jumped off of the bed. "I am not really hungry", Team replied. "You have to eat something, Team. Please. Do it for us", Pharm begged. Suddenly it knocked on Team's door. "Who could that be?", Pharm asked and opened the door. "P'Dean? What are you doing here?", the boy asked. "Where is Team? I need to talk to him", Dean said with a straight face.

Team froze when he saw Dean standing at his door. "Dean? What..what are you doing here?", Team asked, almost whispering. "I have something to give you", the president of the swim club said and entered the room. He handed Team a letter. "Win wanted me to give this to you..when..when he is gone", Dean said. He was starring at the letter in his hand. To Team was written on it. Team stopped breathing for a few seconds. "I think we should go now", Pharm said and gave Manaow a look. "But.." "Manaow, we really should go now", Pharm said again. "Call us, if you need us", the smaller boy said and squeezed Team's shoulder softly, before he, Manaow, and Dean left. Team went back into the condo. Still starring at the letter in his hands. "To Team". He took a deep breath before he opened it and started reading it.

Are you curious about what Win has written in the letter? the next chapter to find out!!

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