Chapter 43

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Team was still sleeping when he heard a soft voice calling his name. "Team? Team? Wake up" The boy slowly opened his eyes. "Hia?" he asked while he was rubbing his eyes with the palm of his left hand, just to realize that it was not his Hia calling him, but Dean. "It's me, Dean. We are here" Dean said. Team took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a few seconds. "Let's go straight to the hotel. I think we both need some rest after the long flight" Dean suggested.

Approximediatly 20 minutes later Team and Dean arrived at the hotel and checked in. "You can go and take a shower first. I will get us something to eat" Dean said and left the room. Team took a deep breath and let himself fall onto the bed. He closed his eyes and took a look at his phone. Pharm and Manaow had messaged him. "Have you arrived safely?" Pharm asked. "How are you doing?" Manaow asked. Team knew that his friends must be pretty worried about him, and there was nothing he hated more. Especially when Win was worried about him. Who would have thought that one day it would be the other way around and he had to worry about Win? Team answered his friend's message's with a short: "We have already arrived. I am ok. Don't worry." before he let himself fall back onto the bed. "What a lie" he whispered to himself. He felt awful and he was sure, that if there wasn't a possibility that Dean could show up at any time, then he would start crying right here and now. But he did not want Dean to see him crying again. He did not want him to think that he was only bathing in self-pity. Team knew he was not the only one who was scared because of Win's condition. Dean was, too. He was his best friend after all. Knowing that his best friend could die must be horrible for Dean as well. Team did not want to make him think that he does not care about his feelings.

Another 20 minutes later, Dean arrived with something to eat. "I bought us some of New York's best dishes. The guy who was working at the restaurant recommended me some" the senior said and handed Team a bag. "Thanks, P'Dean, but I am not hungry" Team answered. "You need to eat, Team. Believe me. You will need your strength. Win would never forgive me if.." "Stopp it!" Team suddenly blurted out. "Stopp saying what Win would say! You don't know! I know you only came here with me because you think Hia would be mad at you if you..." "Team, that is not true. I am not only here because of Win. I am here because of you, too. You are right, Win is my best friend. And it is also true that I was pretty pissed at you since..since Win had left, because..because I thought you were only playing with his feelings. I thought..I thought you did not have any feelings for him were just to..self-centered to realize his feelings for you. I was angry at you because I thought you didn't tell Win about your engagement. I thought you love Araya and didn't tell him, because you just didn't care about his feelings. I..I am sorry. I did not know..I thought that his feelings for you were obvious and..I was wrong. And I am sorry for blaming you on his lovesickness. But, now I know, that both of you did misunderstand some things and..I know how much..I know Win loves you..and you love him, too. You are right, Win is my best friend, but.. I am not only worried about him, I am worried about you, too." Team's eyes started to fill with tears again when he heard Dean's words. "I am sorry, P'Dean. I..I am sorry for saying all these mean things to you. I had absolutely no right to say any of that" Hot tears were running down his cheeks. Dean took a deep breath and hugged the boy. "I know. I am sorry, too" he whispered into the boy's ear, while he was stroking his back in an attempt to soothe him. This was the first time the two of them were so close. Dean knew that Team didn't mean any of that, neither did he, when he said that Team was only pitying himself. "Are you sure you dont want to eat anything?" Dean asked, after the hug. Team whipped his tears away and nodded. "Good, let's eat then," he said with a soft smile.

After they ate, Dean suggested Team to take some rest. "We will meet Wan and Samiya as soon as you are ready" Dean said with a soft smile. "Samiya" Team shook his head. He still couldn't believe that Samiya was Wan's girlfriend, and not Win's. He felt stupid, for believing that Win and Samiya.."How am I supposed to look her into the eyes? Even though I know now, that she is not Hia's girlfriend but his brother's, I can't stop image him with her. The pictures I saw of them. I can't get them out of my head" he whispered to himself. A few hours later, Dean and Team arrived at Wan's flat. Wan was already waiting for them in front of the building. Team has heard about Win's brothers, but he has never seen them before. Wan looked nothing like Team had imagined. He and his Hia Win did not look alike, he thought. "Wan. Long time no see" Dean greeted him. "Nice to see you, Dean. I only wish it was under more pleasant circumstances" Wan replied with a smile, but Team could see the worry behind his smile. " must be Team" Wan said and offered him his hand. "Y..yes. My name is Teerayu, friends call me Team" he said, almost whispering. "You two must be tired. Let's get inside." Wan's flat looked pretty expensive, but Team did not expect anything else. From what he has heard, Win's family was pretty rich. Of course, they would live in an expensive-looking flat, rather than in a small apartment like he did. "We have arrived!" Wan loudly said. "I am coming!" Team heard a female voice coming from the kitchen. He shrugged for a second when he saw the woman from the photos, who he used to think was Win's girlfriend. "Hello. My name is Samiya. Nice to meet you" Samiya greeted them with a soft smile. "Ehm..My..I am..Teerayu...ah Team. My name is Team" Team stuttered. "I have heard so many things about you, Team" Samiya said with a smile. "You did?" the boy asked confused. "Yes. Win..Win told are really something special to him" Samiya softly said. Team could feel his cheeks getting hot. Win has told Samiya about him? What did he tell her? he asked himself. Samiya and Wan were exchanging worried looks. "How are you feeling?" Wan asked his girlfriend. "I am fine. A little bit nauseous, but it's not that bad" Samiya answered, smiling at her boyfriend. "Samiya is..she is pregnant" Wan said with a smile. "I...I know" Team answered quietly. He couldn't believe that he used to think Win was the father. How stupid he was. "Have you already a name for the baby?" Team asked, in an attempt to break the mood. Wan and Samiya looked at each other. "We..we thought about naming our child..Winnie" Samiya softly said. Team's heart skipped a beat by hearing the name. "Winnie?" he asked. "Yes. I think Win would love it. I can't wait to tell him" Samiya said, smiling at the thought. "Yes. I am sure he will love it" Team replied. For a few seconds, no one said anything. It was quiet. Too quiet for Teams liking. He didn't like quietness. Not to that extent, at least.

Team, Dean, Wan, and Samiya were sitting on the couch in Wan's living room when they heard a voice. "Hia? Are you there?" Team shrugged, by the name Hia. The only person he called Hia was Win, but Win was.. "Hia? Where are you?!" "We are in the living room!" Wan replied. Soon after a boy, a few years younger than Team, with dark-brown, almost black hair and wearing glasses, was entering the room. "Hia? Why didn't you pick up your phone? I've tried to call you so many times!" "View, I am sorry. I forgot my phone at home" Wan said. "Who is that?" View asked when he saw Dean and Team. "View, you remember Dean? He is Win's friend from school" Wan said and pointed at Dean. "Yes, sure. Hia has lots of pictures with him" View said. "And who is that?" he asked and pointed at Team. "Hi, I am View. And who are you?" View asked curiously. "That is Team" Wan answered. Suddenly View's face changed. "So, you are this "Team"? The Team who did this to my Hia?" Wan was looking at his brother in shock. "View!" "What?! Aren't I right?! How dare you to show up here?! What happened to Hia is your fault after all!" "View! Enough!" Wan shouted at him. "Why?! I am right and you know that! Hia was so..he was so hurt! That's why he drank too much. That's why he had the accident!" Team couldn't believe what he just heard. "Hia..Hia was drunk when the accident happened?" he asked shocked. "Yes. The doctor said he had a lot of alcohol in his system. He was pretty drunk" Wan replied. "Hia never gets drunk. The only time he got drunk was when his girlfriend cheated on him. Hia only drinks when he is heartbroken. Which means he was. And this must be your fault! Samiya told me, he was heartbroken because of a boy! What did you do to my Hia?!" Suddenly View felt a burning sensation on his cheek. Someone has slapped him. The boy was rubbing his cheek in an attempt to ease the pain when he looked at the person. "Stopp talking nonsense! Don't you see how hurt Team is?! You have no right to talk like that about him!" Samiya was yellingat him. "Why not?! My brother might be dying and it is all because of him!" View screamed back at her. "View! It's enough! Nothing of that was Team's fault." Team was not able to look at anyone. If he was honest to himself, he thought View was right. "I will go to the hospital," View said before he gave Team one last death-stare and left.

"Team, I am so sorry. I have to apologize for View. He..he is really a nice person, but.." "View must really love Hia" Team stated. "Yes. He does. View has always looked up to Win. Even though I am the oldest, View and Win have always had a special bond. Maybe because the age differences between View and me were too high and..we are pretty different. Win has always been his world. He wanted to be like him. View admires him so much. When he heard of his accident, he was devastated. I think, he just needs someone to blame Win's condition on. Don't listen to him. We know that it was not your fault. Win is an adult. He should have been more careful. And View knows that too. Just give him some time" Wan said. Team knew that Wan was only trying to defend his brother, but a part of him thought that View was right and that it was indeed his fault. "Samiya and I wanted to..we wanted to visit Win in the hospital. If you feel ready to see can accompany us" Wan suddenly said. Team swallowed the lump in his throat. "Team? Do you think..Do you think you are ready to see him?" Dean carefully asked. Team closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I don't know. But..that is what I came for. I want to see Hia. I need to see him" he answered.

The ride to the hospital was only a 20 minutes ride, but for Team it felt like the longest ride he has ever taken. When the car stopped at the hospital's parking lot Team's heart felt like it has stopped beating. "We are here," Wan said. Dean was looking at Team who was trying to calm his breathing. "Are you sure you.." "Yes. I need to see him. Even though I know..what it will be doing to my heart" Team answered and got out of the car.

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