Chapter 37

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Team was trying to calm down from the nightmare he just had, while Araya kept stroking his back in an attempt to soothe him. "Do you want to talk about it?" she softly asked. He did, but he did not know what to say. He wanted to say, that he feels guilty for what happened to Win. He wanted to say, that he wants to see him, that he wants Hia to hold him and tell him that he is ok, that everything is going to be fine. He wants to tell Win that he was so scared and that losing him would tear him apart. He wants to say, that he loves this man so much, that he feels like his heart was ripped out of his ribcage when he heard about the accident, but he couldn't say any of that, especially not to his fiancee, sitting next to him, rubbing his back and trying to help him.

Araya did not deserve this. So he couldn't tell her the truth. Araya was stroking Team's cheek. "It's ok if you can't tell me. I understand. But..if there is anything I could help you with, please let me know." Team did not know what to say. He didn't deserve this treatment by her. If Araya knew the truth she would probably hate him. And..the worst thing was..she had every right to do that. "I tell you what, I'll get you something to drink," Araya said and went to the kitchen. Team let himself fall back into the soft pillow, trying to hold back the tears already building again. "What are you doing, Teerayu? You keep hurting the people around you" he said to himself.

Wan and Samiya suggested View to stay with them for some time, so he could visit Win as often as he wants. View appreciated it and fortunately, his parents and his school were ok with that, because it was an of the current situation. It was already past midnight when View was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep. He hasn't been able to sleep since the accident happened. View was thinking about Wan's words. But he couldn't help it. In his opinion, this boy was the reason his Hia was now in a coma. "Why is Hia Wan trying to defend him? I dont understand. Hia, why is this boy so important to you that Wan thinks he has to defend him? Why is he so much more important to you..than your own life..than your family?!"

(Listen to the song in 0.9 speed and read the lyrics in the video below)

"That was really beautiful. I haven't heard you playing the guitar for years. I have always liked listening to you playing. That was one of the things I missed the most in the years we were apart" Araya said with a soft smile. "I haven't played the guitar for a long time, but..I had a dream again..and..there was this melody in my head..and when I woke up I thought I have to write it down before it..disappears" Team explained.

Araya was moving closer until Team could clearly smell her perfume and feel her breathe on his skin. But this time every nerve in him told him to back off. Team ignored this feeling. He wanted to do what he thought was the right thing. Araya deserves a fiance who comforts her, who makes her feel loved. Makes her feel beautiful, being longed for. So he did what he thought was the right thing. He kissed her. They started kissing. Team tried to concentrate only on Araya.

He did not want to think about Win, he did not want to think about the possibility of losing him. All he wanted to do at this moment was to feel free. Free from the guilt of not being honest with his feelings, the guilt for not telling Araya the truth..He did not want to think about it, at least for as long as he could, and even if it was just for the next few hours.

Araya enjoyed the kiss and soon started deepening it. They lost their clothes on the way to the bed. Soon, both were only wearing their underwear. The air in the room got heated and so did their bodies. Team stopped kissing Araya when his back hit the mattress behind him. But only for a few seconds, before Araya sat down on his thighs, and started kissing him even harder.

Their hips were rocking against each other. Araya slowly opened her bra and throw it somewhere on the floor. She was kissing Team's neck, while he let his hands wander from her back down to her thighs before he started to knead her ass. Team had his eyes closed and let his head fall back onto the pillow when Araya started to pamper his neck with wet kisses.

"Teeamm..Touch my breasts" Araya said in pleasure. Team did as he was told and put both of his big hands on her breasts. They were warm and soft. He slowly started kneading them, which caused Araya to moan loudly, before their lips met again. Team was so distracted from the kiss that he did not notice when Araya put her hand into his boxers. He shrugged when a cold hand touched his hot member.

His eyes fell close..and he saw.."his face". Team immediately opened his eyes..and started crying. He cried so hard because he thought about Win again. Win, the man he loves so much, was fighting for his life, while he was about to sleep with his girlfriend. How could he do something like that?! Araya was looking at her fiance in shock. She did not understand what just had happened. "Team?! What happened? Did I hurt you? Why are you crying?" Araya asked. Team could see the guilt and the confusion in her eyes, which made him cry even more. "Team? What happened?"

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