Chapter 45

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Win could see his mother's lips moving, but he didn't pay attention to what she was saying. He was too distracted by the one unfamiliar face in the room. Win recognized his father, his mother, his brothers, but he did not know who this handsome young man was. He had dark hair, puffy cheeks, and thick lips. He looked cute, Win thought. But he couldn't say who he was. Team kept staring at Win like he was in trance. "Are we friends?" Win's voice brought Team back to reality. The boy started blushing. The older was tiredly smiling at him. His mother, who was just talking to him, immediately stopped and looked at Team with a soft smile.

Team wanted to tell him the truth. He wanted to tell Win, that they were more than friends, that both had feelings for each other. But he was too afraid that Win would ask if they were together. Team would have to say: "NO " Win would ask "Why?" and to be honest, Team wouldn't know what to answer. "I am sorry. I didn't.." Win tried to apologize. This was so typical of him. He sensed that Team was feeling uncomfortable and he wanted to make him feel better. "I..It's ok. We..we went to the same school. You are two years older than me, but we were in the same swim club. friend Pharm is..he is Dean's boyfriend" Team tried to explain to Win why they were this close. "I see. That's why we know each other?"Win said with his eyes closed. Team nodded. "So, Dean finally got someone. I am glad" the senior smiled tiredly. "He always seemed like he was looking for someone. I am happy he found that person" Win answered smiling. That kind of smile which makes Team's heart beat faster. "It's nice of you to come and see me. Is Dean here too?" Win suddenly asked. "Yes. He is waiting outside" Team answered, his voice was not much louder than a whisper. "Tell him I am sorry for making him worry." The blonde closed his eyes and yawned widely. "I am so tired" he muttered, leaned back, and soon after he had fallen asleep. Team closed his eyes and took a deep breath when he saw the nurse entering the room. "I think we should give him some rest," she said in a gentle voice.

When Team left the room, Win's parents, his brothers, and Samiya were looking at him with worry in their eyes. "How is he?" his mother asked. "He..he is pretty tired. He is sleeping now" Team answered. Win's mother put her hand on Team's cheek and stroked it softly. "You look tired, too, honey. Go home and try to get some sleep. Don't worry. Win is safe here and if anything happens we will call you."

Win's doctor came to talk to his parents about his situation. "Your son is out of danger. But, we need to keep him for a few days to observe his condition" he stated. "Doctor, Win has problems remembering things" his mother worriedly said, while his father was stroking her back in an attempt to calm her down. "He has problems remembering things, you said?" the doctor asked. "Yes. He thinks he is still in school and he can't remember that his brother got married and other things. It's like he has forgotten the last years or so." The doctor nodded. "Memory gaps are a pretty common issue after such an accident. Don't worry about that too much. Besides, Win is still drowsy because of the medication he got. In 95 % of such cases, his memories will be returning after some time" he explained. "But..what about the other 5 %?" his mother asked. "Let's wait and we will see. The only thing we can do now is to give him the rest he needs. Maybe when he gets home most of his memories will come back after some time."

 "But..what about the other 5 %?" his mother worriedly asked. "Let's wait and we'll see" the doctor tried to calm the mother down. "We should be happy he is alive. When I think about..I don't know how.." his father said and Team could see a few tears in his eyes. Win's family must really love him. He was really lucky to have such supportive parents and loving brothers. At this moment Team envied Win for his family, because..his mother would never understand.

"Do you want to come with us?" Win's mother asked while smiling at Team. The boy knew how worried she was about Win, but she did not want him to know, so she smiled to make him feel better. "You must be hungry and you could tell us something about you while we are eating." "My mom is the best cook I know" Wan said with a smile. "Don't let Samiya hear that" his mother jokingly said. "What are you saying? Are you coming?" Wan asked again. "I..I don't know if that.." "Team, honey. We know how important you are to Win. We want you to be a part of our family, and..our family is going to eat together tonight and we want you to join us. Please, don't make me sad by rejecting the offer" Win's mother said with a smile.

Team would have never thought that, but he had a great evening with Win's family. Samiya was really nice and he enjoyed watching her and Wan. He smiled inside when he thought about the misunderstanding. How could he think that Samiya was Win's girlfriend when she was obviously smitten with Wan. "You two are so cute" Team said with a smile, while Wan was teasing Samiya, who complained, but smiled at him anyway. "Team, I am giving you an advice. The Wanichakarnjonkul-Brothers are not easy to handle, but even though they do tease a lot..they love even more..and dealing with their worth it all, because.. if they love..they love with every part of their being. I couldn't imagine my life without you, Wan" she said while smiling at the oldest Wanichakarnjonkul-sibling. "I love you, too" Wan replied before he kissed her. "Stopp being so cheesy" View complained and made a disgusted face. "You will understand..once you have found your "person" his mother said. "Your person" Team was thinking about Win. Were the feelings Wan and Samiya were feeling for each other the same kind of feelings he and Win have for each other? Was Win his "person?" Was he Win's "person"? And..if so..will Win ever remember him?

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