Chapter 3

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"Can I just sleep with you tonight?", Team asked quietly, still not able to look at the man in front of him. "Come in", Win replied, with a soft smile on his face, and opened the door a little more to let the boy enter.

Team fell onto the bed, burying his face in the other man's pillow, inhaling the known scent of coconut and vanilla. It smells like Win's skin does when he comes out of the shower after finishing swim practice. Win's bed was almost as double as big as Teams. As he sat up, he saw Win, kneeling in front of him, with a concerned look on his face. He put both his hands on Team's thighs and began stroking them softly to calm the younger one down. Both males stared at each other for a few seconds until Win broke the silence. "Come on. Try to take some rest. You look awful", he said with a soft smile on his face, while the same hand, which laid on his thighs a few seconds ago, was now softly stroking his cheeks.

Team was closing his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Win's warm fingers on his skin. He could feel his cheeks getting hot and he was afraid that Win would see him blushing, because of his touches. Team did not realize that he had closed his eyes. As he opened them again, he was struck by the blonde's smile. That soft smile you give someone you really like. Team swallowed the saliva collecting in his mouth. "Can you stay with me tonight? I can't sleep when I am alone", Team asked, turning his gaze away. He could literally feel his cheeks getting hot and red. The blond swimmer nodded with a smile. "Sure", he replied softly.

Both were lying on the bed, face to face, their noses almost touching, with their eyes shut, feeling the other man's warm breath on their lips.   "Win?", Team asked shyly. "Yeah?" "Can I hug you?" Win did not answer, but put his arms around Team's waist, gently stroking it, which made his friend slowly calm down. Team mumbled, burying his nose in his counterpart's neck, inhaling his scent.

"Win?" "Yes?", the older male replied. "You are not gonna leave, are you?", Team asked, his face still buried into the tall man's neck. "Try to sleep. I am not gonna leave, ok? I promise." Team nodded again, while Win kept stroking his back.

Slowly the young boy began to relax. He enjoyed the feeling of Win's warm hands on his waist, his fingers, gently tickling the soft skin beneath them. Win's skin was so warm, Team felt like he was covered by a thin blanket. It felt warm and cozy. He began to feel tired, no longer able to keep his eyes open. The boy yawned relaxed,  burying his nose in the other one's neck, inhaling Win's scent again, but this time it does not come from the pillow, but from Win. That smell clouded his sense and let his body muscles feel heavy. All the bad thoughts he had in his mind, seemed to vanish. It was like being drunk. Win's scent had the same effect on Team, as drinking too much alcohol. He felt warm inside, a little bit dizzy, tired. So tired.

  Soon after, he fell asleep with a peaceful smile on his face. "Finally", Win whispered softly.           "I think we both could need some rest", he said, before closing his eyes and falling asleep, too.

--- Hello. I wanted to apologize for any grammatical mistakes. As you may know, English is not my first language, but I try my best to write a good fanfiction because I LOVE this couple soooo much. And for the record: I haven't read hemp rope. I do not know anything about the story before or after UWMA. If I make any grammatical mistakes, please do not hesitate to let me know. I want to improve my English skills and writing is a good thing to do that. Thank you for reading this story and I hope you are gonna like what comes in the next chapters.  And if you like my story, please leave a comment below.  Thank you so much for reading.


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