Chapter 4

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It was already 11 when Team finally woke up. His entire body ached as if he did too much swimming the day before. He sat up and discovered that he was not in his room. "Where am I", he asked and looked around. "This is Hia's room. Oh, right? I remember", he whispers to himself, yawning and rubbing his eyes. As he was about to get up, he heard a voice from behind.

"Oh, you are finally awake." Team turned around and was staring with a shocked face at the co-captain of the swimming team who was standing topless with his arms crossed in the doorframe, smiling at him with a devious grin on his lips. "Win. I..I.." "Do you want some coffee?", Win asked with a smile. Team nodded, slightly ashamed. He could feel blood running into his cheeks and hoped Win would not notice. "Win..I.." Win took a few steps closer to the younger boy and sat next to him on the bed. Team could smell the scent of Win's skin, which lead him to blush. Afraid of the other male noticing, he tried to avoid his gaze by looking at the floor.

"If you are going to apologize for last night, I am gonna punch you. I already told you, there is nothing to apologize for", Win broke the silence after a few seconds. "How did you sleep last night?", the male was asking in a soft tone. That kind of tone, which makes Team feeling guilty. "And don't say, you slept great. I know when you are lying and I told you so many times, I want you to be honest with me. I want you to tell me when you are not feeling well. Don't think about lying to me. I know you too well for that."

Team swallowed. He was really about to say, that he slept well, but Hia saw right through him. As he always does. "I slept better than I did when I sleep alone", he replied. Win ran his hand through his hair, closed his eyes, and let out a sigh. "Go and take a shower. I want to get something to eat. It is almost lunchtime", he said and throw a towel on the younger boy.

After Team had finished the shower, the two boys made their way to a takeaway near the campus. WIn ordered a cheese sandwich while Team decided to stick with salad. He was not hungry. "You can order whatever you want. I'll pay", Win said, but Team was shaking his head. "I am not hungry, Hia", he said, with a sad voice. "WAIT. YOU are NOT hungry?!" Team shook his head. "But you haven't had any dinner last night, nor breakfast." "I am really not", Team replied again. Win took his sandwich and the two boys sat on a bench. "Do you have any plans for your birthday next week?", Win asked. Team gave him a surprised look. "How do you know?" "Of course I know your birthday. Why shouldn't I? So, it's on Sunday, which means we have neither school nor practice. What do you want to do on that day? Do you want to see the lights in the park? I could take you there if you want." Team nods. "That would be great. I love watching the lights at night", he replied smiling. Win smiled, too. "Great, so I'll pick you up at 7", he said.

In the next few days, nothing special happened. It was Saturday, only one day until his birthday. Team does not want to do anything on this day. If it was for him, he would be staying in his room the whole day, waiting for it to end, but he knew, this time Win wouldn't let him. Team was sitting in his room, reading and eating Lays, when he heard a knock on the door. He took a look at the clock. It was already half-past nine. Who would come to visit him at this hour of the day? As he opened the door, he looked straight in the eyes of the blond swimmer.

"Oh, great. You are still awake", he said with a big smile on his face. "Yes. What are you doing here?", Team asked puzzled from seeing the older male standing in front of him. "I am hungry and I don't have anything to eat." "So?" Team was confused. Why did he come here? "Would you accompany me to the store?", Win asked a little bit flustered. Team was thinking. "You probably need some more lays. Do you?" Team took a look at the empty pack of lays on his bedside cabinet. "Ok, I come with you", he said and yarned. "Ok. Let's go."

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