Chapter 12

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„Where is Win?", Team asked, as Pharm took a seat next to Dean, in the cafeteria. „He said he is sick", Dean replied. „Is he ok?", Pharm asked worriedly. Dean was looking at Team, who seemed worried as well. „Does he have a cold? I told him to put some more clothes on, but of course, he wouldn't listen", Team said, to conceal that he was pretty worried about Win. Since Team knew the senior, he had never been sick before. Something must be wrong, he thought.

"Win texted me, he is not feeling well and will take a few days off from school. I wanted to look after him before I go back to my dorm", but unfortunately I forgot that I have an appointment", Dean said. "Team could check on him. They live in the same dorm", Pharm suddenly said. Team could feel his face getting hot. "Wh..why me?", he asked, surprised. "As I said, you live in the same dorm. Don't you?" "We do", Team answered. "Could you please look after him? I have to revise our training schedule. Please, Team. I am really worried about Win and you would do me a big favor", Dean said. Team swallowed. "I..I really don't know, if I am the right person.." "Please", Dean begged. "Fine. But just because Pharm would kill me, if I refuse a request from his boyfriend."

Win was laying in his bed. His eyes were puffy from all the crying. He did not want to hear or see anything or anyone. All he wanted right now was to fall asleep and forget about his feelings. He didn't want to get reminded he couldn't have the only thing he ever truly wished for in life. When he suddenly heard a knock on his door. Win wanted to ignore it, but it did not stop. Whoever was knocking on his door, did not want to leave soon. After 5 minutes Win was annoyed enough, to get up and open the door. "I hope the person, who has been knocking for so long has a good reason for that", he said, on his way to the door. "What is it?!", Win yelled. He froze when he saw who was standing in front of him. "Team." Win's heart started beating like crazy in his chest. "Team, what..what are you doing here?", he said, looking at the floor. 'Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?' "I..Dean.. wanted me to look after you. He said you are sick and..since we live in the same dorm, I thought, I...How are you feeling?", he asked flustered. 'Do you really want to know, how I am feeling? I am feeling awful. Awful, because my heart longs so much for you. I can't even stand seeing you right now. Every time I see your face, I think about HER kissing you, stroking you..It makes me sick. "I appreciate your concern, but I am ok. No need to worry", Win said with a sad voice, while facing the floor.

"Have you already eaten?", Team asked again. "I have bought you something to eat, because..I know you don't eat when you're feeling sick. But you need to eat, to get better soon", the boy said and handed Win a bowl of Tom Yam Gung. "Here. Take this." Win was looking at him confused. "Don't worry. I did not cook, I bought it." Win took the soup and when their fingers touched, the senior could feel his heart jumping in his chest.

'Why are you always so cute?', Win thought while looking at the boy standing there. "Well, I..It seems you are ok. I don't want to disturb you any longer", Team said and wanted to leave, but Win did not want to let him go just now. "Wait, Team, would you..Thank you for the soup, but this is really heavy. Could you help me please?", he asked softly.

"I am sorry, if I had known you would come to pay me a visit, I would have cleaned", Win said and took a seat on the couch, while Team served him some soup. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his loose blonde hair. Team looked around. Win's room was messy. Normally, it was pretty tidy, because Win has always been a tidy person. He often scolds Team for being too chaotic. But right now, it was a mess. 'He must be really sick if he is not able to keep his room clean?', Team thought. Of course, Team noticed Win's puffy eyes, but thought, it was because he was sick and not because he cried for hours. Team was deep in thoughts when he suddenly heard Win talking to him. "Team? Would you please take a seat? It makes me nervous and I can't eat, when are standing in front of me, watching", he said. Forcing a smile.

"How is school going?", Win asked when they were sitting close to each other. Too close, but still not close enough, Win thought. Their hands almost touched, but there was a little space between them. Team took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I think, maybe I am too stupid for school. Swimming seems to be the only thing I am good at. In fact, my scholarship was the only reason I made it into the faculty. Unlike you. You are amazing, in everything you do. You are smart. Not just smart, but a genius. You are caring. Without you, I would have never made it into the swim team. Hia, you are the most amazing person I know. Everyone likes you. Everyone wants to be friends with you. Everybody wants to be you. Everyone admires you. I admire you, too. Even if it is hard for me to admit and you know that." Team did not know, why he was telling Win that just now. But he felt freed after saying these words.

"Why do you always think so bad of yourself?", Win softy asked. "Team, you are amazing. You are an amazing swimmer, smart, funny, nice, caring. Every girl should be happy to call you her boyfriend." 'Araya can call herself lucky having you as her boyfriend. I wish I could tell you, how amazing you really are to me ', he thought to himself. Team could feel a soft blush forming on his cheeks. "Stopp saying stuff like that", he whispered ashamed, not facing Win. "But it is the truth", Win said softly. "Team, I.." "Don't. Please, don't", Team said and Win could hear the sadness in his voice. Both were looking into each other's eyes. No one was saying a word. At this moment, nobody existed but them. Team winched a little when Win put his right hand on his cheek Stroking it softly with his thumb. It is so warm, he thought and immediately relaxed, Team closed his eyes, and started enjoying that feeling. Win was watching the boy and thought how beautiful Team was. Slowly he let his thumb stroke over Team's lip, who still had his eyes closed, moaning softly. Win knew he had to say something. He wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, the ringing of Team's phone brought them both back to reality. Team looked frozen at the display of his phone. "Araya", he said monotonously.

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