Chapter 33

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Team was sitting in his car, parking outside the house. He has never been a nervous kind of person. He has participated in so many swimming competitions. Not even once has he felt as nervous as he felt now, while he was sitting in the parking car, on the street, waiting to meet Araya's parents. His future "parents in law". "Are you nervous, Team?" Araya asked softly and put a hand on his. "I..A little bit" he admitted. "But there is no reason to be nervous. You know how much my parents like you. It is just a normal dinner. Just be yourself" she tried to calm him down. "Being myself? You think this is a good idea?" Team asked. "This is not the first time you meet them. They already love you, so you have nothing to worry about. They miss you and wanted me to bring you with me. My mom adores you so much, I am almost jealous" Araya joked. Araya was an only child and her father loves her more than anything. Team knew that which made him even more nervous. "I promise you..there is nothing to worry about. I am with you" Araya said and kissed Team softly on the lips. Team closed his eyes while her lips were on his and took a deep breath before they left the car together. When the door opened they were greeted by Araya's mother. She was a bit smaller than Araya and had brown shoulder-long hair. "Araya, finally. And..Team, nice to see you again. Come in" Araya's mother said with a soft smile. "Thank you for the invitation" Team politely said and smiled at her. Soon after they were sitting at the dining table. "I am so happy, that someone like you is going to marry our daughter," Araya's father said, softly smiling. "Thank you, sir" Team replied. "I know you are both pretty young, and..even though the wedding might happen in a few years, it's nice to know that our daughter is in good hands. You chose your fiance well, sweetheart" the father said. "I did" Araya replied and took Team's hand. "I am really lucky" she continued while smiling at Team. "Me too. I am lucky to have a girlfriend as sweet, smart, and beautiful as Araya" Team said, trying to sound as honest as possible. "You two are a cute couple. I am sure you are going to be really happy together," the mother said."

They ate and talked about Teams school, his future plans, his family..and the wedding plans. Araya wanted a beach wedding, with white roses..but Team did not really listen. He was tired, so tired. All he wanted to do right now was to go home and go to sleep in his bed. It was already 10 pm. when he arrived home. Araya's parents wanted her to stay the night, so she did not get home with him. "Is it really ok with you if I stay with my parents?" Araya asked. "Yeah, sure" Team said and yawned. "You can stay too if you want. You seem tired" Araya suggested, but Team shook his head. "I can't sleep really well in someone else's bed" he lied. He just wanted to go home. Talking to Araya's parents was exhausting. They were really nice, the moment he wanted his own bed, in his room. "Ok. I understand. Are you gonna call me tomorrow?" Araya asked. "Of course" Team answered. She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good night, Team." "Good night" Team replied and got into his car.

Wan was sitting on Win's bed. It has been 5 days since the accident, but Win was still in a coma. Wan was by his side, almost 24/7, surrounded by the sound of the machines Win was hanging on. They had to put a breathing tube into his lungs because Win was not able to breathe on his own. After hours of sitting by Win's side, Wan had fallen asleep on the chair next to Win's bed when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hia?" he heard a voice from behind. "Win! Are you..!" Wan said when he realized that it was not Win calling him, but View. "View? What are you doing here?" Wan asked. "I came here as soon as I heard it. How is Hia Win?" View asked. His older brother was trying to hide his tears. "He..he still hasn't woken up. And..the..the doctors don't know..when..and if.." View was holding Wan, while his brother was crying on his shoulder. "It was all my fault. I should have been there. I should have.." "Stopp it! There is nothing you could have done. Besides, Win would be really pissed at you if he could see you right now. You are our Hia. Our big brother. You are the oldest son of our family. You need to be strong, for Hia Win. He needs you. He needs US." View tried to calm his Hia down. "Since when is my little brother a grown-up?" Wan said jokingly, trying to stop the tears from falling down. "You and Win raised me well" View answered. "You are right. I promise to be strong, for Win..and for my family" Wan said, took Win's hand, and squeezed it softly. "Wake up, Win. You need to wake up, little brother."

When Team arrived at home, he was exhausted. His head hurt and all he wanted to do right now was to take a shower and go to sleep. After taking a shower, which made him only feel more tired, he took a look at his phone and saw a text from Araya. "Hello, Team. Thank you for tonight. It was really nice seeing you. Sleep well know. Thank you. Araya<3" Team wanted to say that his heart was beating like crazy when he read the text, but it did not. What kind of person was he? He knew that Araya really likes him. She might even love him, but he couldn't say the same. He couldn't tell her, he loves her, because..he does not really know what love is. He likes her, that's what he was sure of..but..does he love her? No..not like..not like..him.

On this night, Team fell asleep quickly, especially for his standards. And he dreamed. He dreamed about Win. Win was smiling at him. Oh, his smile. That smile that makes Team weak. That kind of smile which gives him that warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest. That kind of smile Team had always thought was only for him. Team tried to touch him. He tried to put out his hand in an attempt to touch Win, but suddenly Win turned around and walked away. "Hia? Hia?!" Team was screaming his name, but Win did not turn around but went away even further. "Hia!! Please! Hia! Come back!" Team did not know why, but something inside him was telling him, that if he wouldn't be able to touch Win..he would lose him..forever. But what does that mean? Where was Win going? And why couldn't he stop that feeling of losing him?

Team was sweating like crazy when he woke up. What kind of dream was that? He has never dreamed anything like that before. His nightmares have always been about drowning, until now. What did this dream mean? Why did he dream about Win?

Pharm and Dean were sitting on his bed. Dean had his head on Pharm's thighs while he was stoking through his hair. "How are you feeling?" Pharm asked his boyfriend. "I am scared. What if..what if Win really..He is my best friend, Pharm." "I know" Pharm answered softly. "I like him, too." "I don't know what I do..if.." Dean was not able to finish his sentence. Even thinking about it hurt too much. "I am here. You are not alone. I will always be by your side" Pharm tried to comfort his boyfriend, even though he knew, that nothing he would say could help Win. "What about Team?" Dean asked and sat up. "We haven't told him, yet" Pharm said. "I see. It is so unfair. Win and Team love each other so much. But..first, there was this girl, then Win leaves for New York..and now that accident happens. Do you you think they are just not supposed to be together? Do you think the universe or some other higher mighty does not want them to be..?" Pharm was shaking his head. "I don't know. The only thing I know is..if the universe would have tried to keep me away from you..I would have died a long time ago, because..without you..I don't know if I could...And for Win and Team..if it's the same..we can only hope..that Win will wake up soon" Pharm said and kissed Dean softly.

When Team woke up the next morning he felt awful. It was not that he had drunk too much alcohol, but his head heard and he felt like someone had beaten him up last night. Then, he remembered the nightmare he had. "What does that mean? And why is it always him I am dreaming about?" he whispered to himself. Luckily, it was Sunday, so Team had a day off. No school, no schwimmtraining. Nowhere he needed to be at. It was already 10 am. when Team decided to go out of bed. He went into the kitchen to make some breakfast when he heard the doorbell ringing. "That might be Araya" he said and looked into the mirror. "I look awful" he said. "Just a second!" Team said and put on some clean clothes from his drawer. When he opened the door, he was surprised that it was not Araya..but Manaow and Pharm standing in front of the door. "Hey, Guys. What are you doing here?"

"Team? We..we have something to tell you. is about P'Win. Something happened."

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