O yazdığım dizeleri, ezberimde.

573 19 2

The lines I wrote are carved into my heart.

– We weren't talking about anything important... – the Istanbul commissioner nearly had a heart attack from the fright, but Ceylin remained cool.

– Mind your own business, Ilgaz Bey. – and noticing the absence of the prosecutor, she ended the topic with Eren: – Where is Neva Hanım? – Ilgaz shrugged, too tired to argue or retort. He needed to sleep what the delayed flight and work had not allowed and alcohol charged twice as much.

– Is it expected to take a long time? – she shook her head, Berk signaled that the sample was almost ready. – My eyes feel like they have sand... – Ceylin bit her tongue as she wanted to offer the boss another bottle of vodka. – We need to go back to the hotel, sleep... – Eren nodded, each blink hitting a different dream. Then the result came out and it really was Merve. Ilgaz went after Neva and discovered that the only taxi that was running near the police station at that hour was being used by the prosecutor, back at the hotel. – How are we going to leave now? – he and Eren looked like standing zombies, even more dejected by the result of the forensics.

– I'll take you. – the chief of police offered, half reluctantly. Exhausted, the two men allowed themselves to be led to a simple car, almost identical to Mardin's vehicles. Halfway through, however, Ceylin noticed that both were sleeping heavily in the backseat. – Eren! Ilgaz! – nothing. Completely knocked out, Eren even drooled on the upholstery of the car. And besides, her cell phone decided to give a signal of life again and she answered the speakerphone: – Merdan Dede?

– How long will it take, kuzum? I think Defne needs you.

– What happened? I'm almost free...

– Our treasure is hot again. – Defne had a fever, one of those typical summer fevers that usually go away with a mother's cuddle.

– Give the usual antipyretic, I won't be long, I promise. – she hung up tensely. The hotel was far and away from home.

– Why don't you go straight home? It's almost morning, we took a taxi or something. – she shivered under the effect of his voice. In the rearview mirror Ceylin could see that Ilgaz was still leaning back in the seat, eyes closed, completely relaxed, but he was speaking to her in a serious tone, having heard everything. It would save time and effort to leave them on his street, but it was so risky and irresistible to put Ilgaz so close to home, so close to Defne... She shouldn't tempt fate.

– No, I can...

– Don't be stubborn, your daughter needs you. – Ceylin didn't answer, but the seconds of hesitation ended up making the car turn in the direction of home.

Defne needed her.

The house was dark except for a window in the daughter's room. As soon as Ceylin got out of the car, Merdan opened the front door, watching the men stumble out of the car with exhaustion.

– Bringing work home, kuzum? – he joked, opening the door wider for them to enter.

Dede... don't be obtrusive, they won't stay. – turning to Eren, who was yawning, Ceylin almost felt sorry for them.

– Don't do this to your fellows, Ceylin, invite them in. Hadi, that one looks like he's going to faint any minute, hadi, hadi... – it was more curiosity that put Ilgaz inside, wanting to see where Ceylin lived and how, to see the family she formed in the years they were away. There was color and mess in there. Colored papers and pencils scattered, drawings nailed to the cupboards, some toys over the chairs, but her spartan essence didn't let them see many ornaments or flowers in the house, it was the child who brought life. She seemed reluctant to do what she needed to do and keep the two strangers from snooping around her home and Merdan had to step in: – Go up, kuzum. I will stay with your friends. – if he had noticed the fiery look between his granddaughter and the boss, he didn't let them know. – Want a coffee, guys? – Ilgaz shook his head, but he was still watching the woman until she disappeared upstairs.

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