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I got lost again

- Eren, we'll talk now. - Ceylin interrupted the investigator midway down the hall in the late afternoon, when she felt more composed to resolve that situation. She wouldn't let the two goofs sully her reputation and distrust her honesty for having a common past with Onur, she had ended their relationship precisely because she knew that one day she would find herself in a position to arrest him for the obscure choices her ex-fiancé had made in life.

- Ceylin hanım, I am very sorry for what happened this afternoon... - with a rude gesture, she silenced Eren's apologies.

- I didn't come to talk about the earlier occurrence itself, but what led to it. I know now that you are in a parallel investigation regarding Tilmen, I came to bring the dossiers I gathered, because I was also working on that. - surprised, the investigator raised his eyebrows as he took the papers from her hands, curious to know what the officer had found, noticing immediately that there was information there that filled the gaps within Ilgaz's work.

- Ceylin hanım, I cannot go into detail about our investigation, but... - how to ask for help after the previous incident? - could we cooperate mutually...? - if a look could kill though...

- Don't try your luck, Eren...

- Lütfen, Ceylin hanım, reconsider... You have no idea how important your help is! Look... I shouldn't say anything about it, but Ilgaz is reporting to the Turkish gendarmerie. This is the level of confidentiality and risk. - Ceylin sighed, giving in to her own curiosity.

- Give me as much context as you can, I can't help blindly. - between the officer and the komiser there was no conversation or understanding for the week after all the fuss. Separated, Ilgaz and Ceylin didn't even know they were working towards the same goal because, for the first time in human history, Eren kept quiet.

And because they didn't know they were on the same page, the information restricted to these three, separately, didn't leave the commissioner's office.

As well as the suspicion that Chief Metin was the real mastermind of the investigated crimes.


- Amcacım, I thought working at the same police station would make us meet more, but I've barely seen your face... - Metin was not comfortable facing his niece. He still hadn't bought into the fact that she'd become... involved with Ilgaz so intimately in such a short time, and looking at her reminded him of the threat the commissioner posed.

- We are civil servants with a lot of work, kuzum. I haven't seen your face or your reports about the mission I gave you. - Ceylin's mouth twisted, suddenly bothered by her uncle's cold gaze.

- I came to deliver the last ones, amca. - she went over the brief dossier of what she'd done, because the most important documents had been in Eren and Ilgaz's hands for days. - I also came to hand over my post here. I know you don't want to talk about it, but I can't stand a professional life next to Komiser Kaya, at least not right now.

- Will you put your personal life above your professional commitment? - the chief flipped through the document with disdain.

- Don't worry about the mission, uncle, the commissioner put Onur within the investigation itself. I've passed on the most substantial material I had to him through Eren, so you can continue our work with them... - Metin paled.

- What did you do?! - with a roar, the Chief threw the report to the floor, slamming it onto the table. Scared by the disproportionate reaction, Ceylin stood up, backing up a few steps.

- Amcacım, hold back! What does this mean?

- What does it means?! What does it mean...?! you might have been stupid enough to sleep with him, but handing over Tilmen's scheme on a platter to Komiser Kaya is something beyond stupidity, it's insanity! - picking up the badge and car keys, the chief had hate in his veins: - Grab your things and come on!

- Uncle...? - being pulled by the wrist to her uncle's car in plain sight, Ceylin was no longer understanding anything.

- I will not live the rest of my days with this sword above my head, do you hear me? -inside the car, Metin was still screaming, driving like a madman towards the Istanbul exit. Huddled in the passenger seat, Ceylin finally understood what was happening, but Metin no longer cared, he pulled Ceylin's bag and threw it out the window - Don't try any foolishness, Ceylin. - with no cell phone, gun or badge, she feared for her life.

- I am your brother's daughter, how could you be doing this to me, amca?!

- You stopped being my blood and being useful as soon as you spread your legs for the commissioner, you idiot! I hope that at least in consideration of that he will come after you... so I get rid of both problems at once...


Ilgaz had never felt such terror and despair as when he arrived at the police station, having been called by an equally desperate Eren. Ceylin had been taken by her uncle that morning, quite arbitrarily, and, under the circumstances, she had figured it all out. The kidnapping coincided with the arrest warrants issued by the Turkish gendarmerie that same day, shaking Istanbul's police structures and confirming that Metin Erguvan was leading the corruption scheme and was desperate.

- He won't do anything to her, abi, stay calm! - filled with perplexity to learn that their superior was corrupt and now a kidnapper, the Istanbul police didn't hesitate to go after Metin only because Ilgaz was upset.

- Cornered rats attack anyone, Eren. If he wasn't going to hurt her, he wouldn't have taken her. - the divided teams fenced off the routes along which the car was tracked, until they found it empty somewhere between Istanbul and Bursa. Despair was a poor word to describe Ilgaz at that moment.

- THEY FOUND HER, ABI! - Metin's cell phone signal showed up in Bursa, but the commissioner was pale. On his cell phone was a picture of Ceylin, unconscious and tied up, and two words: "Come alone."

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