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Were you the reason?

The mission came through a certificate of good service: Istanbul Police Komiser Ilgaz Kaya was being invited to receive a Medal of Merit for his ten years in the police from the head of the Turkish gendarmerie. The invitation had a date and time, the location being Yekta Bey's own office, with a limited number of guests that surprised him a little. If it hadn't been signed by hand by the head of the gendarmerie, Ilgaz wouldn't have known how serious and official the document was.

On the day of the awards, with only Eren at his side, Ilgaz was decorated before the veterans of the corporation, receiving a special request to speak privately with Yekta.

- I think someone will be promoted to gendarmerie... – Eren speculated, but Ilgaz wasn't expecting that much.

- I don't think that's it, this whole situation is weird. I barely know the people here... just Yekta.

- Don't be modest, abi, Yekta is the boss of all. That's enough. – Ilgaz clicked his tongue, giving little credit, but soon the gendarmerie chief's assistant approached to lead him to Yekta Bey's office.

- Congratulations on your award. – the head of the Turkish gendarmerie began.

- Teşekkürler. – Yekta indicated the chair in front of him and Ilgaz sat down, uncomfortable with the strange look he was receiving, but despite that, the boss would be objective.

- I was your instructor at the academy during police training, I don't know if you remember. – Ilgaz signaled that he remembered, even though it was many years ago. – And I've followed each of your years within the police force closely, Komiser. Sometimes it's hard to have eyes everywhere and know everything. Each police station and staff has people we may or may not have seen since the beginning of our career. Others, we've never heard of them, but they're there acting. You should imagine that the Istanbul police have extra attention, they are the heart of Turkey, they must be a reference for others and that they have the support of the parliament and the government directly. – at each sentence, Ilgaz nodded in agreement, until the boss said: - And they're going through a chaos of corruption never seen before.

- Sir...? - Surprised, Ilgaz straightened in his chair and Yekta continued.

- The Turkish gendarmerie is prepared for external threat to the country, but we are in such a situation that the Turkish mafias, the rotten part of the people, have infiltrated so blatantly within the police that it borders on civil war. And we are no longer able to keep this war silent and discreet. You look at the newspapers. You see the people's dissatisfaction with this, you feel that the government is under pressure and people are afraid.

- I understand the problem, but where are we headed, Yekta Bey?

- We're talking about something big, Komiser, something that touches the ideological bases of our nation, that takes away the security of our people. Having watched your trajectory carefully, Ilgaz, I can say that you are the best person to head an operation within the police, to be my eyes and ears in there, with discretion, so that the team's corrupt part doesn't suspect that we're investigating a scheme linked to the narcotics mafia and it's financing a coup against the president. – the situation settled slowly in the commissar's understanding, but both were facing each other soberly. – We need to purge this evil and I want to count on you, Komiser.

- You can count on me, sir. – the handshake between them started an inside-out inquisition of the police, an operation of a size never seen before in Turkey.

And Ilgaz would head it all, suspecting even his own shadow.


Ceylin's adaptation weeks were a torment for everyone involved, but especially for Ilgaz they were hell on earth

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Ceylin's adaptation weeks were a torment for everyone involved, but especially for Ilgaz they were hell on earth.

The officer wanted to know everything, go over everything, inspect everything and point out every mistake, of every person, citing the police code of conduct and the Constitution as a believer quoting Kuran and seemed to have fun calling him every five minutes to help her settle down.

- Komiser Kaya, I noticed that the general record of visits to prisoners at the police station is two weeks out of date, can you tell me who is responsible so that I can get the most current one? – rolling his eyes for the umpteenth time, Ilgaz swiveled in his chair to look at the officer, forgetting he'd promised to ignore her. Again.

- I thought I had already assigned an intern for this type of request, Ceylin hanım, what happened to Officer Mert? – Ceylin smiled, with that eternal mischievous expression of someone who wanted to get him mad, which reminded the comissar why ignoring the officer was so important: as well as wanting to piss him off, she managed.

- He just left, it was time to change shifts, poor thing. – tossing her hair back in a very informal way, she added the poison: – Not everyone is like you, Komiser, amending or skipping work schedules whenever they want. – Ilgaz held back the curse he wanted to escape and sighed.

- I believe that I do not need to report my schedule to you, but to your uncle, Ceylin hanım, he is the boss. – but just as Ceylin took advantage of her uncle's position to annoy him, Ilgaz used his own position and his friendship with Metin to respond appropriately, and by that time, everyone was getting used to a daily barb exchange between the officer and the commissar.

- Allah Allah, polis hanım, if you will allow me to help you, I'll be happy to find this week's record for you, just tell me which period you would like to see... – Eren was also juggling the police station to prevent the "healthy" issues of Ceylin and Ilgaz from ending up in an unsustainable situation that was just as unpleasant.

- Çok teşekkürler, Erencım! Çok! – hanging around Eren's neck, Ceylin glared at Ilgaz with all the contempt she could muster. – At least someone is interested in helping the team... – and before the komiser could lose patience for good, Eren left, towing the officer.

- Buyurun, canım... – but when they were about to leave the commissioner's office, Ilgaz asked:

- What do you want this specific record for? I don't recall any case you're in where the prisoner spent only a week or two here before he was released. – and if he hadn't gotten used to Ceylin's quick responses, he wouldn't have noticed that she stuttered and paled before replying:

- I believe that I do not need to report my cases to you, but to my uncle, Ilgaz Bey. He is the boss... – suspicious and spiteful, Ilgaz leaned toward her, ready to annoy the woman.

- We are all colleagues here, no need to be defensive. Five minutes ago you wanted me so much to help the team, I'm all ears now, hadi...

- Don't try so hard, komiser, or I'll think that today is when you'll be willing to lick my shoes. And I'm not even wearing the proper heels.

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