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I trade my life for you

It looked like a war scene when they arrived at the siege site. Cars with gunshots, dust and screaming, the wail of women inside the cars, a tall, bearded, long-haired man holding Neva in a rear naked choke, with his gun pointed at her head. There was one more guy outside, but he was hiding behind one of the vans, gun drawn, waiting for the distraction of the police to attack, which ended up happening when Ceylin arrived, and then the poorly controlled situation caught fire for good.

– GET DOWN! – Neva screamed, taking a painful grip on her neck and Ilgaz barely escaped the shot.

– YA! YAAA! – Ceylin pulled her gun from her holster and took aim, all her officers finally allowing themselves to act in the same way, after all, the leader was the guide. – Be careful there, big guy, this woman is not a nobody you burn in a car and leave it at that. Istanbul prosecutor, national heiress, big people and all... I wouldn't do that. – the man holding Neva laughed and spat on the ground, contemptuously.

– A whore, like all the other whores here. – the serbian said, with a pronounced accent. – Who gave you that weapon, doll? This is a boy's game. – from where she was, Ceylin couldn't risk hitting Neva, who had already been shot. She needed to take it easy.

– Öyle mi? – she shrugged, adjusting the tone of the conversation because they had finally entered the negotiation phase. – I didn't get many dolls as a child, I think they were needed. Why don't you give me the prosecutor back? Poor thing, she can't take a game from boys like me... – Ceylin didn't bother talking dirty, getting into the game, because every minute mattered, soon there would be Interpol air reinforcement and the gendarmerie by land and that gang would have no other choice except surrender or death. – Hadi, kızı bana ver, tamam mı? You already have too many girls in these cars...

– Why don't you switch places with her, doll? – "That's it!", she celebrated internally. The offer made Ilgaz shift in his seat and exchange an alarmed look with Ceylin: "No! Don't you dare!"

But she would dare.

She had promised to get Neva Savcı out of there and prolong the action until reinforcements arrived and would do so without hesitation, so she raised the gun above her head, showing it to the leader of the gang, then uncocked and locked it, pulling out the ammo clip inside. .

– Ceylin, don't do this. – the voice didn't show the despair of seeing that woman throwing herself into danger, but she felt it. "Işimi karıştırma!"

– Don't interfere with my work, Ilgaz, I know what I'm doing. – and addressing the tense police officers at the side: – Sabırlı olun, yakında kuşlar uçacaktır. – was a code. Being "patient" was "wait for reinforcements without rushing", "soon the birds will fly" was "helicopters are coming". They nodded briefly and she began walking towards the armored cars.

It was against Ilgaz's nature to let a woman, especially the one he loved, take such a risk. Five paces from the leader, the chief of police stopped and held out her arms to Neva and he advanced after her.

– Send Neva. – Bojan Vlasic shook his head, indicating Ilgaz, very close to her and Ceylin wanted to scream in frustration. – Don't do it, Ilgaz! Yapma! – but he couldn't help it. The mind was flashing fast in the morning. Defne laughing at the magic tricks. Defne placing Babo, the teddy bear, in his own breakfast chair. Defne hugging her great-grandfather and mother...

– I can't leave you alone! – he came closer. Two steps and he would touch Ceylin. – I'll take her place! – Vlasic laughed, denying it and Neva groaned in pain from her pierced arm.

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