Alıştığın o sert kararlı şeklini, yüz binlerce yıldır böyledir gider

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The harsh way you used to be lingers for years

The morgue was the furthest and most despised part of the building, even by those who worked in it. Death held no one's affection and that particular corpse made the team uncomfortable, Ceylin noticed as she arrived on the scene looking for Berk, her police commissioner. He was taking Neva's statement in a separate room and stood up as soon as he saw her.

– Ceylin Hanım, I called Ilgaz şefi, he is on his way here, but Sila just informed me that the results will be released within 48 hours, because the corpse's condition was very precarious... – Neva stood up behind him, outraged by something:

Merve. Her name was Merve, she was of Turkish descent, she was in the USA on an exchange and accepted to travel thinking she would only come to visit relatives and come back, she accepted because she wanted to save miles... – with each word, the prosecutor's voice changed, more and more high.

– Bayan Savcı, I... – Mardin's commissioner stuttered awkwardly.

– She was just a girl, can you understand? – Ceylin intervened:

– Berk, if you're done with her, I'll take it from here... – Neva glared at the chief of police with barely controlled fury.

– I thought your team was more humanized having a woman at the head, but I was wrong. The system really manages to win anywhere, despite the genre. Ceylin's jaw tightened, holding back the ill-bred response she wanted to make.

– Treating things as they are does not mean dehumanizing them and being professional, even in adversity, is what is expected of us as a police force. I'm sorry you lost your informant, Bayan Savcı. – Neva exhaled, with derision.

– Informant, corpse, bravo, Genel Müdürü... Merve is nothing more than a function and a statistic. – it was understandable that she was dissatisfied with the girl's death, but Ceylin's patience for that excess was almost at the limit.

– She was not your friend. – Neva paled. – She wasn't a co-worker, nor was she an acquaintance. I'm not being disrespectful, Neva Savcı, but you are, and being rude to someone who's just doing his job. I suggest that you exercise the 'humanity' that is lacking in my police station, for the good of all. – the two heard the buzz of Ilgaz's arrival, but Ceylin was not intimidated by the audience that had formed before their discussion.

– Any problem here? – his coat and disheveled hair made the gendarmerie head look wild in a way Ceylin knew, and she took two steps back from him, immediately forgetting Neva and the argument they were having, but not out of desire, but by the smell of alcohol on his breath.

– What does that mean, Ilgaz Bey? – Eren entered right behind him, saying "Good night" discreetly. – Did you come to the station straight from a bar?

– I could have stopped by the hotel, but I was still close by... – as she continued to look at him with a frown, Ilgaz got excited too: – I'm not drunk, Ceylin!

– It's unbelievable...

– Please, that's enough, you two! – Neva wanted to explode and scream. It was just what was needed, Ceylin and Ilgaz trading insults after the horrible news the prosecutor had given him and Eren over the phone.

– What happened, Ceylo? – the Istanbul commissioner ignored the fight that would ensue and Ilgaz walked away to hug the prosecutor, knowing that her nerves were in tatters. Ceylin swallowed their intimacy dry.

– I still don't know the full details, I just arrived. Berk called me when I was home about the Serbian guy's car. It was set on fire on the road furthest from town with one person inside.

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