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I'm eating my lunch by the time Gigi storms back into the house from dropping Car home, looking more pissy than he was the last 24 hours

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I'm eating my lunch by the time Gigi storms back into the house from dropping Car home, looking more pissy than he was the last 24 hours.

"Jesus, who pissed you off?" I tease him, knowing this is just his natural state but I can't help teasing him as his best friend.

He only grunts in reply before sitting down next to me, all mopey and shit.

I chuckle, "You are so whipped for Car bro." To which Gigi doesn't deny but only glares at me murderously, "You even let her call you Gigi, and as far as I knew, I was the only one allowed to call you that." I tell him pointedly.

He just continues to glare at me, but I'm used to this shit. When it comes to me, he's all bark no bite.

"I guess Gigi is more moanable though," I continue knowing this will wind him up, "Pfft, I mean imagine trying to moan Evangelos." I full on laughed before I started moaning his name repeatedly, "oh Evangelos, Evangelos!"

Out of the corner of my eye I see his fist raise before I feel the impact, and I'm suddenly launched off my chair and landing flat on the wooden floor.

Shit I guess he does have some bite.

Some of the food I was chewing got lodged in my throat and I started violently choking on the floor, all whilst Gigi, the sadistic asshole, watches from his seat, smirking grimly.

"Fuck- ing- help- me." I plead, between chokes, only resulting in him furrowing his brows and shaking his head.

"You didn't seem to mind moaning it all those years ago." He smirks, "Besides, only Car is allowed to moan that name now." He says, still smirking at me.

"Pussy- whipped- mother- fucker-" I continue to choke, before Gigi finally gets up to help me. He comes round to my back and kicks me hard once, making my airways clear again and my insistent choking halt.

I breathe in greedily and just lie on the floor for a few minutes, panting heavily.

"Gods I'm exhausted now." I pant, "Feels like I just fucked for an hour."

Gigi snorts at this, "You could only manage an hour?" He laughs mockingly.

I glare at him, now getting up from the floor, "Yeah, well not everyone has your stamina." I mutter, only making him laugh further.

"I'm gonna shower before we head to that meeting, yeah?" Gigi calls on his way up to his room.

"Yeah, whatever man." I call back up, still salty about his comment on my stamina.

I have good stamina.

I go lay on one of our couches as I wait for Gigi to get ready. We have a meeting with one of our assassins, who believe they're deceiving and betraying us discreetly.

Bottom line is they won't be coming out of this 'meeting' alive.

As I lay on the couches, Arabella comes and jumps onto my stomach, making herself comfortable.

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