Dangerous Quest

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"Wake up."


"Wake up Link."

"Wake up."

Link groaned and shifted, he sat up confused then remembering what happened, The Bokoblin attack, the strange light and him passing out. Link looked around, he was in the hospital section of the castle. His head ached and everytime he moved his body felt sore, he looked down at his hand, the symbol was gone but at least he didn't feel tingly anymore.

"Hey, you're that Link fellow, right?"

Link turned to the voice confused and then amazed, standing at his bedside were the King And Queen of Hyrule, Link stumbled out of bed and clumsily kneeled down to them both, almost losing his balance.

Link: "Y-your majestys!" "Yes that's me!" "I'm honored to have you here, how can I humbly s-serve you today?"

The King let out a rich, deep laugh and then extended a hand to help Link up.

King: "My, my!" "No need for all that my boy!" "I'm glad your alright."

Queen: "Don't forget why we're here darling."

King: "Yes, Of course!" "If your up for it I have a great quest for you!" "It may be difficult but it promises great rewards!"

Link: "You have a quest...for me?"

Queen: "Yes but it would be unwise to discuss it here, let's retire to the royal library and discuss more there."

Link: "Of course my Queen!"

Link, The King and the Queen all quickly rushed to the library, when the trio had entered library the King firmly shut and locked the door.

Link: "So...what quest do you have for me?"

Queen: "Yes the quest, it involves our daughter Zelda." "Before we get into the details I think it's only proper that you two meet first."

Link gasped, The princess Zelda. Almost no-one had seen her, but the rumors about her said she was the most beautiful girl in all of Hyrule and beyond and that she was born with some great magical gift. The Queen led Link to the very back of the library and up a flight of stairs until they reached a door, the queen slipped her hand into her dress pocket and pulled out a gold key with a diamond shape on top and used the key to unlock the door. The Queen pushed open the door and led Link inside, Inside the room was the most beautiful girl Link had ever seen in all his life, She looked just like the shrines and posters of the princess plastered all over Hyrule, except much more beautiful in person. The girl was sitting in a rocking chair in the center of the room and nervously stood up and shuffed towards Link, Link gulped nervously, trying his hardest to so much as not breath in her direction.

Zelda: "Um...hello there, I'm Zelda. Princess Zelda." "It's nice to meet you, uhhh....."

Link: "Oh!" "Yes, I'm Link, you can call me Link." "It's nice to meet you princess!"

Zelda: "Yes, of course. Mother, who is this boy?"

Queen: "This boy is a new knight and he was involved in a incident where he fearlessly fended off a pack of Bokoblins and then from what the eyewitnesses said, his hand glowed and then he passed out." "Maybe it's connected to you, my dear."

Zelda: "Yes, Mother, I understand." "I'll try my best."

Zelda usherd Link over to the bed placed in the far left corner of the 20×15 room. The two sat down, under the watchful eyes of the Queen, Zelda took Links hands and put them in her lap, then put her own hands on top of his.

Zelda: "Just relax, clear your mind and focus on my voice." "If a thought comes, let it pass."

Link cleared his mind and focused on the princesses voice.

Zelda: "Okay, now open your eyes."

Link opened his eyes to see that the princesses and his hands were glowing just like before, the mysterious triangle symbol was on his hand again like the  first time he saw the mysterious symbol. Link gasped in amazement and looked up at the princess who looked just as shocked as he felt.

Zelda: "So it is true....the prophecy...the Tri-Force...."

Zelda then slumped over backward on the bed and Link rushed to her side, worried sick. Her mother also rushed over to the girls bedside.

Link: "Princess Zelda?!" "What's wrong?"

Zelda: "I...I am alright." "Just a bit-light headed is all." "I will be fine before the sun sets, I'm sure of it."

Link nervously stepped away from Zelda to let her mother sit with her, just then the king entered the room.

King: "Link my boy, I'm sure your very confused so i definitely need to tell you what's going on." "When my daughter was born, she was born with a mysterious power called the Tri-Force." "This ancient power is said to keep our world in balance as long as the Tri-Force lives." "Recently a wicked sorcerer by the name of Ganondorf has had his eye on my daughter, He wants to steal the power of the Tri-Force force and use it to bring Hyrule to its knees, perhaps you can stop him."

Link looked down at his feet, thinking and rethinking the possibilities of this decision. But the call of adventure like he always wanted and the desire to help the poor innocent Zelda overcame him.

Link: "Yes!" "I will do anything it takes to help Zelda, No matter what!"

The King gave Link a wide safistied smile.

King: "Perfect!" "Now before we send you on your quest, let's feast!"

The rest of the day and into the night took up most of Links normal routine with a massive feast. Link was brought any and every food he asked for all cooked to gourmet standards of course. Link stuffed his face with food, the happiest he had ever been, Oblivious to the king and queen watching him from the sidelines.

Queen: "Don't you think your being a bit too harsh?"

King: "No." "He can't be allowed to live another day, not with the prophecy." "And did you see that he was making goo-goo eyes at my daughter?"

Queen: "But sending him on a fools errand to his death?" "Can't we lock him away?"

King: "For the last time, no." "He has to die, it's the only way to keep my rule over Hyrule."

Link went to bed that night, belly stuffed and dreaming of adventure and wonder, blissfully unaware of the plot against his life.

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