Link on House Arrest

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After Ganon and Link had gotten back to Ganondorf's castle safely Ganon had put Link on house arrest for two weeks as punishment for running away in the middle of the night to try and rescue Zelda after the cryptic dream she had delivered to them. Ganon had given himself some time to calm down after they got back, he didn't want to say something he didn't mean in the middle of an angry rage. Link had mostly stayed in his room during this time or had went to the castles training room to practice his fencing, while Ganon had spent his time researching the Tri-Force and how to potentially defeat the king. He knew now that the pieces were moving into place for the prophecy to come true, but the king also knew it too and the king would do anything to prevent the prophecy from coming true.

It had been a week since Link's house arrest started, and Ganon wanted to spend some time with Link. He wasn't sure why, he just wanted too. Ganon quietly snuck into Link's room, Link was reading a book, laying on his bed on his back. Link looked up from his book when he saw Ganon.

Link: "Oh, hey Ganon." "What are you doing here?"

Ganon: "Just wanted to check in on you Link...what are you reading?"

Link: "A propaganda book about how great the king is and how supposedly bad you are, Can't belive I used to believe this stuff." "Thought it be interesting."

Ganon: "A propaganda book?" "I know the king would use propaganda to push his new laws from time to time but i didn't know he made a book about me."

Ganon sat down on the bed next to Link, interested in what the book had to say about him. Of course, it was just as he expected, a bunch of made up stories or stories blown wildly out of logical bounds about how Ganon used his "Unjustly given" Triforce powers to cause problems for the locals.

Link: "Ganon, look at this one!" "And here the wicked sorcerer Ganondorf used his Triforce magic to create misery for the town of Ellpipa by forcing a water curse on them, then our savior and hero, the great King of Hyrule gave the town a great and high dam to prevent the curse from leaking inside."

Link: "That's literally just a flood, what do you have anything to do with a flood?"

Ganon: "Unfortunately, the king has a tendency to tell tall tales about me. The dam he gave them was made from rotted and bug-infested wood. I had to be the one to evacuate the town in the middle of a flash flood, then rebuild the town because the dam obviously failed, and then make them a new, much safer dam."

Link: " this why Ellpipa town is listed as a "Traitor Village"?" "All because you gave them a new dam?"

Ganon: "A traitor village?" "I know that some towns like me and some don't but I didn't know you had a name for those towns that sided with me."

Link: "You didn't know? Back when I first started out as a knight, we had a list of towns that sided with you." "We weren't allowed to help the towns that sided with you, if we did we could lose our knight status." "As my boss always said: "If they want help so badly, they should run to Ganondorf, they sided with him after all."

Ganon: "Yeah...why did you decide to become a knight Link? You seem to have many happy memories from that time."

Link's face turned a shade of red with embarrassment, he had never really told anyone about why he wanted to become a knight, of course the main reason was that he wanted to help people. But the reason, deep down that he wanted to become a knight was so that he could protect himself from those who sought to do him harm. Link had always been the weak kid growing up, the kid punching bag that all the town bullies took advantage of, Link could never fight back and wished many times for someone to come and save him. Now that he was older, Link would hopefully be that savior for a child just like him who couldn't fight back.

Link: "Well...I always wanted to help people no matter what...I've been like that since I was little I can't."

Ganon: "What is it?" "You can tell me Link." "I won't tell anyone else, I promise."

Link: " a kid I always wanted to help people but I could never help myself." "I didn't know how to fight back as a kid, and because of it I was always picked on and...I always felt so alone." "I thought that maybe if I could help someone else who couldn't fight back, then they wouldn't have to be alone anymore."

Ganon smiled warmly at Link, he was proud of Link for having such selfless intentions. Many knights only became knights for the high pay or social status, not out of the goodness of their heart like Link did. Ganon patted Link on the head, making Link smile.

Ganon: "That's very selfless of you Link. I'm very proud of you, please never lose that selfless nature of yours, it is something very few truly have."

Link: "I won't lose it Ganon. Thanks."

Ganon: "You're welcome my boy, you're very welcome."

Ganon and Link spent the rest of Link's house arrest together, training, laughing at the King's propaganda and enjoying each other's company.

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