A Prophecy

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Long ago when the princess of Hyrule was still just a child the land was celebrating the birth of their future ruler, all except the King And Queen of Hyrule, The Queen had been having strange dreams before the princesses birth and so the King had called a powerful and respected Mage to look into the future. The Mage told the King of an awful prophecy, a prophecy that went like this.

"Oh dear King, I see a greatly terrible prophecy in your future, your daughter has been born with the Tri-force in her blood, the Tri-Force of Wisdom." "But on this day a boy with hair as golden as the sun and eyes blue like the purest river has also been born, this boy has been born with the Tri-Force of Coruage." "When the Tri-Force welders of Wisdom, Coruage and Power come together as one your rein will be ended and a new order will spread across Hyrule."

The King was inraged by this telling and in its wake made a new law. A law that stripped any male born with both blue eyes and golden blonde hair of any and all rights, furthermore he locked away both his infant daughter and the great mage, while the Mage later escaped the princess remained trapped, seemly for the rest of her life. Until now.

Link yawned and sat up in the guards quarters, he looked around and saw that everyone was already gone. The probably left him no breakfast, as usual. Link sighed and changed from his sleep clothes into a grey tunic and shorts and then into his normal guard armor. He walked over to the shared bathroom connected to the guards quarters and drenched his head in brown hair-dye, usually he would do this early in the morning but since no one was here he may as well do it now. With he daily ritual out of the way he raced over to his station to meet up with his other two guard allies. Link arrived to the station out of breath and wheezing, the guards gave each other a glance and when Link had caught his breath one of the the guards threw Link a jucy red apple.

Guard 1: "Here Rookie, you look like you need it." "Did you sleep in again?"

Link: "Yeah my bad, sorry guys."

Guard 2: "It's not like we care." "The only reason we want you here on time is so you can clean all day while we do all the hard work."

Guard 1: "Yeah your sword and shield are in the broom closet." "Have fun!"

Link growled in dismay as his companions marched away, Link knew they wouldn't be saving any villagers or protecting anything today, just like every day they would run off to villages and tell tall tales and drink the town pubs dry while Link was stuck at their guard station all day waiting for nothing and cleaning all day. Link sighed and headed inside the guard station to get started on his daily duties, he went straight to the broom closet and picked up his sword and shield, His sword being a humble broom and his shield being a simple dustpan. Link knew the closest thing he would ever get to slaying an army of evil would be a army of dust bunnies. Link started to clean, although he mostly cleaned all day, he was proud of the fact that he was such a good cleaner, maybe one day he would be sent on a daring mission to clean an evil dragons lair and then defeat the dragon and save a beautiful princess who had been trapped there and they would live happily ever after.

*A few hours later*

Link had cleaned the guard station pretty quickly and was now on lookout for pretty much nothing, on a lucky day he would quell some paranoid nobles nerves by going out to investigate some strange noise, it would normally turned out to be nothing more then a flock of birds or some bunnies running around. Link heard something in a distance and his hopes rose but they quickly died down with the sound became more clear, It was the sound of someone screaming for help, Link quickly grabbed the spare sword and wooden shield from the rack on the wall and rushed outside, his two guard friends were running as fast as their legs could take them and Links mouth gaped in horror as one of them was pulled down to the ground and dragged away by an unseen force. The other guard rushed past Link and into the guard station, pushing Link to the ground, Link got up and pounded on the door with all his might but the door was locked from the inside.

Link: "Hey, let me in!"

Guard 1: "No way!" "Your need to run and get help rookie, there's a monster chasing me!"

A blood-chilling shirek erupted from the direction of where the knight was running from, from that shriek came a dozen or so of the ugliest creatures Link had ever seen. Seven or so Bokoblins were charging at the guard station, crude wooden clubs in tow and and one of the Bokoblins was carrying the second soldier, Link could clearly see the dents from the clubs on the armour. One of the beasts jumped at Link and he barely dodged it's attack. For some reason Link felt no fear, Any other person would be crippled with fear but Link only felt the dermination to defeat his foes.

Link turned to face the vile pig-faced creature and swung his sword at it, One hit and he knocked its club out of its hands, with a second hit he swung his blade at a Bokoblin sneaking up behind him and cleanly cut its head off in one swing. Then with a third swing he thrust the blade into the torso of the Bokoblin he had disarmed then pulled the blade out just in time to slash at a third beast, sending it reeling back it pain and used his shield to stop another Bokoblin mid-flight from jumping on him and threw it back using his shield.

The rest of the mob of Bokoblins surrounded Link, even now Link felt no fear instead his recent victory filled him with a sense of coruage, Link got into a fighting stance and prepared to attack the rest of the beasts when a strange light started to shine from Links right hand, The monsters shrunk back and scurried away, shielding there eyes from the light coming from his hand. Links whole body was overwhelmed by a tingling sensation and he dropped his sword and shield in shock. He gazed down at his hand in awe, using his other hand to brace his eyes from the shining light. A strange symbol appeared to form on the top of Links hand and then rose from his hand and into the air. The symbol was three interconnected triangles, that was the last thing Link saw before he suddenly blacked out and fell to the ground limp.

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