Trouble Brewing

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It was late in the evening, The King and Queen of Hyrule were sitting on their thrones discussing something with a guard captain, when a messenger burst into the throne room, out of breath and wheezing.

Messenger: "Your majestys!" "Your majestys!"

The messenger collapsed in front of the throne, holding up a note to the king and queen. The king took the note from the exhausted messenger before telling the guard captain to get the poor messenger something to eat. Once the captain and messenger had left, the king opened the letter. The letter read:

"Dear King and Queen of Hyrule. I am sending you this message in regards to your Blonde And Blue Law, a boy with golden blonde hair has seemed to delvop some kind of power, I am currently writing this outside the castle of the evil Ganon." "I don't know if it's some kind of trickery or it's for real but I must inform my great rulers."

"-One of many, a humble spy."

The King and Queen looked at each other in shock, The King and Queen quickly rushed up to their daughters room. Zelda was sitting on her bed, practicing with her part of the Tri-Force, making a small light purple bubble in her hands. The King threw open the door, his face lit up with rage.

King: "Zelda! Stop practicing that damn curse!"

Zelda: "S-sorry father..."

The King shook a fist at his daughter getting closer and closer and Zelda backed away on the bed.

King: "You did this didn't you!?" "You caused that sly brat to come and now he'll ruin everything!" "Do you really hate your people that much?!"

Zelda: "N-no father, I don't hate anyone!"
"What did I do wrong, I don't understand?!"

King: "Don't play dumb Zelda!" "The prophecy that says you and two other Tri-Force freaks will take down my rule and that boy might have something to do with the Tri-Force!" "You called that brat here didn't you?!"

Zelda: "No father no!" "I didn't call anyone here I swear!" "I would never want to take you down or hurt you, I swear!" "I didn't call anyone here, please!"

King: "ENOUGH!!!" "I can't take your lies another minute!" "I will make sure I put you in line and stop this wretched prophecy!" "GUARDS!!"

Two guards rushed in, nearly tripping up the stairs.

Guard: "You called you majesty?"

King: "Take my daughter Zelda to the darkest, deepest part of the castle dungeon and keep her there!" "I don't care how many guards you have to assign or how many chains you have to keep her down with, just keep her there!" "And make sure not a single soul sees you, understood?!"

Guard: "B-but sire, she's just a girl what harm can she-"

King: "Do." "It." "Or you'll be out of a job!"

Guard: *Gulp* "Y-yes sire!"

The two guards rushed Zelda and forced her hands into chains, before escorting her out of the room and down the stairs, Zelda was crying and begging her father and mother all the way out.

Zelda: "Mother, Father please!" "I'm sorry!" "I won't use my Tri-Force curse again, I promise!" "Please!"

The guards dragged Zelda to the deepest level of the castles dungeon, where anyone who rebelled against her fathers laws or failed to comply with his laws was placed. They put her inside a 5×10 cell with no light coming from the room except for a small barred window on the iron door that could be closed, the guards sat Zelda down onto the floor of the cell and chained her hands, waist and ankles to the floor so she could hardly move, before leaving her there and shutting and locking the door, closing the small barred door that closed her off from the outside and left her in total darkness. Zelda fell to her knees and sobbed on the cold, hard floor. She didn't understand, what had she done wrong? She was so confused, scared and helpless, she just wanted someone, anyone to come save her.

Zelda: "Link...brave knight....if you can hear me, Please....come save me, save me....Link... "

As Zelda sobbed on the floor a light purple aura started to glow around the captive princess, her sobs only making the aura glow brighter. The light purple aura turned into a swirling hurricane of emotion all around her, filling the cell with light.

Zelda: "Link!" I'm in the castle!" "Help!"

Her voice cried out, echoing in the small cell, Zelda's eyes glowing a soft yet furious light purple. Then it all stopped and Zelda was lying on the floor sobing.

Meanwhile In Ganondorf Castle

Link and Ganon were fast asleep, Ganon was peacefully sleeping in the master bedroom while Link was snoring away in the guest room, now changed into his sleep outfit, a dark blue nightgown with black shorts underneath and a pair of white socks on. Link started to toss and turn, dreaming of something, in his dream he saw the princess Zelda, she was locked in a dark, small cell, chained to the floor and crying uncontrollably, a swirling light purple aura surrounded her, the only source of light in the room. Link couldn't move or even breath, it felt like he was watching Zelda through a window, unable to interact with her. Zelda's voice rang out over and over again: "Link!" "I'm in the castle!" "Link!" "Help!" I'm in the castle!" "Link!"

Link shot up from his bed, sweating and shaking. He didn't know what just happened but he had this gut feeling, this urge that Zelda was in danger and he needed to save her, Link wanted to go to Ganon but he didn't want him to get involved, he didn't want him to get hurt. Link leaped out of bed and changed into his normal wear: A dark green tunic with a belt across for his sword and shield and a pair of brown pants and brown adventuring boots.

He quickly changed into that and snuck over to the training room and grabbed a sword, shield and rope, he then went back to his room and quickly scribbled down a note for when Ganon woke up a realized he was missing. Link then used the rope to scale down the window and ran off into the night, wanting to save Zelda. Ganon had also had the same dream as Link and went to his room to check on him.

Ganon: "Link?" "Link are you-"

Ganon's heart skipped a beat when he realized Link was missing, Ganon saw the rope by the window and the note on the bed and immediately connected the dots, Ganon snatched the note off the bed Link had written and read it, the note read:

"Ganon, I have to leave. Zelda is in danger and I have to go rescue her. I'm pretty sure she's trapped in Hyrule Castle. Don't come after me, I don't want you getting hurt.


Ganon: "Link...why....of all the impulsive, reckless-argh!" *Sigh* "It doesn't matter, I have to stop him before he gets himself killed!"

Ganon quickly battle-readed himself and took one of the fastest horses he could get and set off for Hyrule castle. It said in the note that Link was heading there and the dream Zelda's voice rang out that she was in the castle so it had to be Hyrule Castle.

"When I get my hands on that boy, Tri-Force welder or not...." Ganondorf muttered as he rode his horse out into the moonless night.

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