Freezing And Found

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Link set off on his quest by the King and Queen, bright and early in the morning. He was dressed in a green parka and snow pants with brown snow boots and black gloves, unknown to Link the outfit was lined with cotton, which would leave him no better then naked in the snow when the cotton eventually got wet. Link was armed with a sword that was nice looking but useless in battle. Link had been given a map by the Queen to an uncharted snowy area of Hyrule were Ganondorf's base was supposedly located. Link started the journey on foot and a few hours later the chill of snow gave away that he was headed in the right direction. Link kept following the map until he saw the lever carved into the mountain in the snow. Link nervously crept over to the lever and looked around.

Link: "This is too easy, who conveniently has the entrance to their base out in the open like this?"

Link pulled on the lever and heard a great rumbling and the ground around him was shaking like an earthquake was happening. Link looked up in horror to see and endless barrage of snow rapidly approaching him. It was even worse then an earthquake, it was an avalanche! Link sprinted as fast as his legs would go, as pounds of snow crashed down around him, the ground was shaking so violently he could barely put one foot in front of the other. Link let out a loud, terror-filled scream as he lost his balance and started to roll down the mountain with the snow on his heels.

Ganondorf shot up from his sleep, he felt like all the air had been stolen from his lungs by an unknown entity. He glanced around the carriage, he had just had the strangest dream, he had dreamt that he was standing on a mountain when snow started to crash down around him but Ganon couldn't move, it was like he was paralyzed. The carriage stopped and one of Ganondorf's many soldiers ran up to him.

Ganon Soldier: "Sir!" "Sir you must come quick!" "There has been a great avalanche nearby!"

Ganondorf: "Can't we just change course?" "Why do I have to come?"

Ganon Soldier: "W-well Sir...during the avalanche we saw a very bright light, it might be an attempted attack by the Hyrulian people..."

Ganondorf sighed and fixed his dark red cape back over his shoulders and stepped out of the carriage, the soldier led Ganon off the path of the carriage to the place that the light had came from. Ganon stopped suddenly, he felt some kind of strange energy wash over him, he felt pulled towards a certain spot in the avalanche pile. Then a bright light started to shine from the massive snow pile and the snow lifted up to reveal a unconious teenage boy around 14-15 years of age dressed in a green parka and snow pants, brown snow boots and white gloves. The soldier pointed their spear at the boy but Ganondorf gave him the signal to stand down, then the light stopped and the boy's body fell down into the snow bank. Ganon rushed forward and scooped him up in his arms. The teens body was shaking uncontrollably and his teeth were chattering like crazy. The Tri-Force symbol shone from the boys right hand in sync with Ganons right hand as well.

Ganondorf: *To the soldier* Don't just stand there! Chart the fastest course back to base and get some warm clothes and fire potions for the boy!

Ganon Soldier: *Gulp* Y-yes Lord Ganondorf sir!

Ganon tenderly took off his own cape and wrapped it around the Hyrulians shivering body, rushing them both back to the warmth of the carriage. Another soldier had gave Ganon some spare soldier's tunics and fire potions, and the carriage was rushed back to Ganondorf's base, Ganon immediately used his powerful Tri-Force abilities and with a snap of his fingers the boys wet, cold clothes were changed with the spare soilder tunics, leaving the snowy clothes in a pile beside him. For the rest of the 20 minutes trip back to Ganondorfs base, Ganon nursed the boy himself, giving them fire potions to the teen to raise their body temperature and bring them back from the brink of hypothermia.

When the carriage arrived at the dark-gloomy looking castle Ganon rushed inside and summoned his Healing Mages to heal any unseen injuries the mystery child might have, Ganon laid the teen down in one of the may spare bedrooms in the castle and tucked them in, leaving the room so his Mages could do there work,  nervously waiting just outside the door for news. Ganon didn't know why he was so worried about this unknown boy, maybe because he was connected to the Tri-Force or maybe because he just felt pity for the poor soul, ether way he just wanted to help him, no matter what.

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