Awkward First Meeting

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Link woke up to a stone ceiling, the last thing he remembered was being buried under snow and everything going black. Link sat up uneasily but was quickly overrun by fatigue and thirst and laid back down. Link looked down, his body was covered in blankets, he was laying in a king size bed. Link could hear footsteps around him, he knew he was in a bedroom and that he was in some kind of castle, did the King and Queen rescue him?

Link felt tired and wanted to go back to sleep but he didn't fully know where he was so there was no way he was going back to sleep, then Link heard thundering footsteps approaching and getting closer to him. Link was terrified and hid under the covers like a child, the door to the room he was in opened. The sound of loud thundering footsteps got closer and closer until the footsteps stopped right at the end of the bed, Then Link heard a deep male voice coming from right next to him.

"Hey...don't be afraid kiddo." "I won't harm you, I promise."

Link nervously poked his head out from under the covers and his mouth gaped open, the face few feet away from his face was the face of one of the most wicked people in Hyrule, Ganondorf. His face and list of wicked deeds was plastered all over Hyrule in the form of posters, books and plays.
The one who all his life Link had heard stories of Ganondorf's wickedness. The one who wanted to steal Princess Zelda's powers and bring Hyrule crashing down. Ganon spoke again, the same male voice Link heard before belonged to Ganondorf.

"Are you alright bud?" "Don't be afraid..."

Ganon reached out to brush a loose strand of hair out of Links face, Links fight or flight mode kicked in and he jerked away from Ganon and tried to boot him in the nose, Ganon jerked his head away from Links kick and grabbed Links ankle, trapping Link in place, splayed out across the bed, Link tried to squirm his foot out of Ganon's grip but Ganon was too strong.

Link: "Get...get away from me!" "Don't touch me!"

Ganon: "Look, just calm down and I'll let your foot go." "I won't hurt you."

Link: "Yeah right, like I'm falling for that!" "You the one who wants to steal Princess Zelda's powers so you can destroy Hyrule!"

Ganon looked confused for a second before he recollected his compusre and spoke again.

Ganon: "Wh-what?" "You can't take another part of the Tri-Force that would...the King and Queen told you that didn't they."

Link: "Yeah they did!" "What did you do to them?"

Ganon: "I didn't do anything to them." "More importantly, why didn't they come for you?" "If they cared for you why haven't they sent out a search party for you yet?"

Links face dropped and he looked down in surprise, he jerked away from Ganon and curled up on the bed, his facial expression a mix of a pout and anger. Ganon made no attempt to go after Link and left the room. Ganon knew this could be his chance to finally stop the king's corrupt rein, but before he could do that he had to convince the young Tri-Force welder to trust him first. Ganon entered his study room, and approached the lecturn on the far left of the room, he had sent out a letter to the Hyrule kingdom to see if they had some idea of who the boy was. The Kind responded that the boy he had found was a rookie knight sent on a pointless quest and that Ganon was free to do what he wanted to the boy since he was a lost cause from the start. Ganon took the tablet with the response from the King on it and headed back to the room where the young hyrulian was.

When Ganon entered the room again Link was trying to walk but failing, everytime he tried to walk he would fall from lack of energy and was using the bed for support. Link tried again to stand and fell again but this time when he fell Ganon reached out and caught him, picking him up with his muscled arms bridal style and gently placing him back into bed. Then he peeked out into the hallway and called out to a nearby servant,

Ganon: "Hey, get me some food and water for the boy."

The servant nodded and rushed off then Ganon turned his attention back to the teen. Link was laying on the bed, still curled up with a distrustful look on his face.

Ganon: "Look, I know you don't trust me but I have something that might change your mind."

Link: "Like what?"

Ganon handed Link the message tablet and pointed at the message that the King had sent to Ganon, The message read:

"Ganon, it has come to my attention that you have managed to capture a rookie knight I sent into your territory." "I hoped they would've freezed to death but now you are free to treat them however you please, the new knight was a lost cause from the start."
-King Hyrule

Link read the letter in shock and then dropped the tablet, he couldn't believe it, he thought the King and Queen cared about him but now that he found out that they never really cared about him it was like a slap in the face, Link didn't even realize that he was shedding tears until he heard himself whimpering. Link started to sob and Ganon hesitantly reached out to Link but hesitated, Links pain was too much and Ganon hugged him, slowly rocking him back and forth and rubbing Links back comfortingly.

Link: "Th-they never cared*sob*why? I-i thought*sob*...why... would they do this?"

Ganon: "Shhhh....I'm sorry...they can be cruel." "What is your name, young knight?"

Link: "I....I'm L-Link...I already know you, your Ganondorf."

Ganon: "Please young Hyrulian, call me Ganon."

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