Tri-Force for Dummies

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It had been a week since Link had arrived, Once Link had gotten some food and water into his system he was much calmer and willing to open up a bit more. After Link had adjusted to his new life in the castle Ganon had decided that it was time to train the young boy in the ways of the Tri-Force and how to properly use his gift. Link usually spent most of his time in the guest bedroom Ganon had given him reading or sleeping, so it was no surprise to Ganon that when he entered the room Link was laying on his back reading a book. Link was wearing a dark grey tunic, brown shorts and no shoes or socks.

Link: "Oh, it's you." "What's going on?"

Ganon: "Not much." "Since you've healed from your injuries I thought it was time to train you in the ways of the Tri-Force."

Link: "The Tri-Force?" "The three different powers that keep our world in balance?"

Ganon: "Yes, I can control part of that power and it seems you have a part of that power too, so it's only logical I train you in how to use your powers."

Ganon led Link out of the bedroom and down to a large 40x40  training room, with a few punching bags and weights dotted around the room.

Ganon: "Alright Link, I'll start and you follow my lead."

Ganon closed his eyes and raised up his right hand, a bright light shined from his hand and the triangle symbol raised  up from his hand, something started to materialize next to Ganon, it was a huge giant purple and black hand, Ganon opened his eyes and Link saw his eyes were glowing a bright yellow.

Ganon: "Okay Link, now you try using the Tri-Force to materialize something."

Link closed his eyes and raised his right hand, his right hand started to glow, flickering and spluttering.

Ganon: "Focus on your breath." "Let the Tri-Force flow through you."

Link took several deep breaths and kept his focus on his breathing. His hand started to glow brighter and the symbol of the Tri-Force raised from his hand. Something started to materialize in front of Link, Ganon watched with great interest as a sword with a glowing white hilt started to materialize in front of him, Link slowly opened one eye and then the other, his eyes widening in fascination. He reached out hesitantly and took the swords handle, his eyes glowing a bright yellow.

Link: " this the Tri-Force?"

Ganon: "Yes and you can do much more with it, if your ready."

Link started jumping around on the spot with a big grin on his face like an excited five-year old, the glow in his eyes flickering like a candle in the wind.

Link: "Teach me!" "Teach me!" "I definitely want to learn more!"

Ganon smiled wide, a safistied smile on his face.

Ganon: "Well, alright I can teach you how to use your sword and maybe a few other tricks."

Just then a servant came in with a bucket and mop to start cleaning the room. Link could see the poor servant was struggling to lift the bucket of water so Link jogged over and picked up the bucket, much to the servant's surprise. Link cradled the bucket to his chest, unfortunately Link wasn't watching were his feet were going and tripped over his own two feet, the water from the bucket splashing all over the poor boy.

Ganon: "Link, are you al-"

Ganon stared in shock as Link combed his hands through his hair, Ganon started in shock as Links brown hair fizzled away to reveal his hair was a golden blonde underneath his brown hair-dye. Link stopped for a second, deep in thought, before his face was overtaken by a look of realization and horror. Ganon walked over to Link and bent down to be on eye level with Link.

Link: "I-i I'm sorry! I knew if you knew I was blonde you would treat me different, everyone does, i just-"

Ganon: "Link shhh..." "It's okay, I'm not mad." "I know about the king's laws against blonde's with blue eyes but I don't really care for his laws."

Link: " won't treat me different just because I'm a blonde with blue eyes?"

Ganon: "Why would I treat you different for something out of your control?" "I've experienced the king's cruelty all my life, I still care for you Link."

Link started to tear up a little, a small relieved smile forming at the corner of his mouth.

Link: "Th-thank you...I really appreciate it. "

Ganon: "Your welcome Link." "Come on now, let's get you some new clothes."

Ganon helped Link up and the two started out of the training room to get some new clothes, the servant standing next to the door in shock all the while.

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