Chapter 2:

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She comes out of the room I scoff "how do I look Jax" I roll my eyes "you look alright I guess" she scoffs and grabs her purse we leave and I hold her waist we leave the hotel and go to the club we sit at the bar "hi handsome can we get 2 tequila shots and a margarita" the bartender nods after being there for a while she's 8 tequila shots and 3 margaritas in when she gets up on a table and starts dancing next thing I know a man's hands are on her waist perfect that's our target I scoff, he brings her down from the table and kisses her as he kisses her his hands move down to her ass I walk over to them and grab her "what's your problem asshole?" I throw her over my shoulders "you're drunk we're leaving" the man stops me "hey! She was having fun put her down" I swear to god "well She's not yours she's mine" I say as I slap her ass "damn harder daddy" she says then laughs "bye sir" she says to the man as I walk away we get back to the hotel and I'm our room "HOW DARE YOU DRAG ME OUT ON YOUR SHOULDERS" she says then slaps me she gasps then starts crying "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I grab her waist and hold her she looks up and kisses me "let's have sex" I shake my head "no Em you're drunk you're gonna regret it in the morning" she looks down then back up at me "you're no fun Jax" she rolls her eyes I sit her down on my lap and take her shoes off I then carry her to the room and change her into her pajamas and put her in the bed "lay down next to me Jax if we not gonna have sex cuddle with me then" I go to the bathroom and change then crawl into the bed with her.

The next morning she groans "Jax?" I look down at her "yea?" She nuzzles into my chest "thank you for not having sex with me" I nod as we go back to sleep, a few hours later I hear laughing I open my eyes and Em isn't in my arms I get up and go to the living room she laughing with someone then I realized it's the guy from the night before "who this Em?" She l stops laughing and looks at me "this is Aiden the guy from the club" I nod I look him up and down then scoff I take my phone out and text her 'he is our target get him to fall for you!' She looks at me then back at him and then secretly texts me 'I know I'm not dumb, but I'll try and make him fall for me🙄' I put my phone away and go to the bathroom I shower brush my teeth and do my hair and got dressed, I leave the bathroom "I'm leaving see you later" she nods.


He left finally "I'm sorry about last night at the club he's my over protective best friend" he puts his hand on my thigh usually I'd move his hand but I have to make him fall for me "no it's okay you were drunk and he probably didn't want you to go home with a stranger" I chuckle "oh did I tell you that I have a tattoo" he looks shocked "can I see it" I nod and lift up my shirt then Jax walks in when Aiden is touching the tattoo "what the fuck are you doing Em!?" He walks over to me and puts my shirt down "what I was doing was showing him my tattoo Jax" he scoffs and Aiden smiles at me I smile back "I'm sorry you need to leave!" Jax say's coldly towards Aiden "he doesn't have to leave for shit Jax!" I say as I sit on Aidens lap Jax grabs my arm and brings me to the room "what the fuck are you doing Em huh!?" I slap him across the face " what I'm is making him fall for me you idiot!" I say as I leave another slap on his face he grabs me chin and coldly says "get him out now Em or I will and it won't be pretty" I walk out the room "I'm sorry you need to leave" I say while looking down I then feel a pair of hands on my waist it's Jax he whispers in my ear as Aiden grabs his stuff "darling lift your head up" I look up and Aiden has left I turn around and yell in Jaxs face "I fucking hate you!" He smirks and grabs my chin "I love you to Em" I roll my eyes.

The next day we go to the club again but this time I will bring Aiden to a room and have 'sex' with him well not really "Aiden hi" Jax walks away so me and Aiden can talk after talking with Aiden for 2 hours me and Aiden go to a room in the club he sits in the chair while I take my shirt off I'm In my bra and leggings when Jax comes in "sorry Aiden but you're going down" Aiden looks at me "sorry not sorry" I put my shirt back on and grab a gun and I shoot him multiple times "yeesh we better go before someone catches us" me and Jax run out of the room and out the club when we get to the hotel we start packing like crazy "do I have my gun?!" I look around on the bed and the room I find it eventually "EM! WHERE'S MY SHAVER?!" Ughh I close my luggage "IN THE BATHROOM!" I say as I take off my shirt "ITS NOT THERE" I put a crop top on "WELL THEN I DONT KNOW!" I look next to me and it's sitting next to me I grab it and walk to Jax "here you go" he grabs it out of my hand "thanks Em."

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