Chapter 8

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When I woke up I look at my arm "where am I" I said as I looked at the IV in my arm then around the room, that's when Jax walked in "Jax..?" He has a shocked expression on his face "DOCTOR SHES AWAKE!!" Then a nurse runs in, after her and doctor walks in "WHERE AM I WHAT HAPPENED??" I rip the IV out of my arm and try to get up "Em no you've been in a coma for over a week sit down" I do as he said and the nurse put the IV back in my arm "Jax what happened?" The doctor sits in a chair "Emery you have been in a coma," I nod "do you remember anything that happened before you blacked out" I shake my head trying to remember but nothing "sorry Jax" I have tears coming out of my eyes now "no baby it's ok" he hugs me I cry into his chest trying to remember what happened before my blackout then Jason walks in, I look up at Jax who's physically angry I look at Jason and then it hits me "he was trying to kidnap me, he drugged me without me knowing, I want him out!" I hold onto Jaxson's arm tight "who? Who tried to kidnap you? Who drugged you?" The nurse says in a kind and sweet voice I look at Jax then at Jason and I point to him "he did.." I say in a whisper voice and the nurse looks over at Jason "him?" She points to him and he looks dumbfounded I nod and she talks to him then he leaves "I'm sorry Jax" I start to cry again but he wipes my tears "for what baby girl?" I look at up at him then back down "for everything Jax" I'm now in literal tears and he just pats my head "no no no it's ok your ok" I nod "ok Jax"

It's been a few days now and I'm still at the hospital "Emery Good news you can be released today" my doctor says excitedly, me not so much but I smile and once she leaves my smile drops "Em what's wrong?" Jax has a worried tone in his voice "nothing I'm just scared" I say with sadness in my voice "Em beautiful why you scared?" I don't wanna worry him more so I lie "I honestly don't know Jax" I fake smile he kisses my forehead.

After a few hours I'm home "daddy?!" I shout "daddy tú estás aquí?" I figure he's on a trip or on a mission but as I'm walking upstairs I hear moaning coming from his room I walk over to his door and it's cracked open I peek inside and look shocked he's has his head thrown back and a woman on top of him moaning his name I gag and run to my room when I get to my room Jax is sitting on my bed "uh Jax did you know my dad is having sex?" He nods "why did you hear her moaning you dads name?" I nod and gag again "ahh daddy faster harder~" he mocks the woman I slap his arm playfully "oww" I sit behind him "guess what" my arms wrapped around his neck from behind "what?" I kiss his neck slowly "Em if you don't stop you will be moaning my name"  I continue to kiss his neck.

Well let's just say I'm sitting on Jaxsons lap with our shirts of (my bra is off) making out he starts kissing my neck "mm Jax" I start grinding on him and moaning when my door busts open and standing there is my dad "papi?!" I fall off my bed and I grab my shirt and cover myself "daddy why'd you just barge into my room without knocking" I asked "I heard moaning" He looks at me then at Jax "pero papi I heard moaning from your room and I didn't barge in" he looks at me shocked "so you heard Jackie" he gets cut off by a yell "JASMINE!" I laugh "you forgot the name of the girl you were having sex with!" I sit on my bed still laughing "well- oh never mind" I move back until I'm sitting next to Jax "daddy come back to bed!" He looks at the girl then back at me "someone about to get railed" I gag "dad eww just eww" he leaves my room "now where were we" I feel cold rings snake around my waist pulling me "Jax we almost got caught having sex" he shrugs and kisses my neck "well that's the fun of it baby girl" I turn around and sit on his lap he removes the shirt covering my tits, "beautiful boobs darling" he says before popping one into his mouth "mmm Jax wait let me lock the door" he lets my boob go and lets me get up and lock the door. After I locked the door I went back towards him stopping mid-way and slowly taking my pants off, then I walk back to my bed and sit back into his lap "continue Jax" he pops my boob back into his mouth playing with my nipple and biting down on it I run my fingers through his hair "daddy~ promise me one thing" he nods now sucking harder on my boob "after we get married we would have lots of sex" he nods and puts his finger on my clit and starts going in circles slowly through my panties then he moves my panties to the side and sticks a finger in going slow then picking up the paste now I'm riding his fingers "oh fuck" i whimper I can feel my orgasm rising "oh are we gonna cum?" I slowly nod and then I hear a big slap I ride his fingers faster and then I hear the slap again this time I felt a burn on my ass "don't cum not yet" I whine feeling my orgasm rising higher "please Jax" he goes deeper in me "what's my name" I whimper "J-Jax" he leaves another slap on my ass "wrong what's my name" I let a soft moan escape my lips "J-Jax" I whine looking at him with pleading eyes "if you get it right I'll let you cum"  I throw my head back in pleasure, he grabs my chin and makes me look at him "say my name beautiful"  I whimper wanting release "d-daddy" He smirks "good girl, now you can cum" I cum on his fingers "good girl" I rest my head on his shoulders and he rubs my back and he pulls his fingers out, he lays me down and gets up "stay there" he goes to my bathroom and grabs a towel he comes back and wipes me.

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