Chapter 6

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I run my hands up and down her body for memory while she's giggling "take a picture it'll last longer" she says biting her lip "are you mocking me?" I grab her throat while she nods "don't mock me princess" I say with a stern voice "oh yea and what are you gonna do about it?" She says with a bit of attitude, I lean down and whisper into her ear "I'll do things to you that'll make you beg for me to stop princess" I stand up straight and turn the water off "I- umm I-" I look at her before walking out "you umm you what?" Her face then turns bright red "stop talking dirty to me or I'll" I grab her waist "you'll what?" She looks down "Or I'll tease you" I grab her chin and make her look me in the eye "speak up princess" she sighs "or I'll tease you" I chuckle "I'll tease you back" she gasps, & I slap and grab her ass as I kiss her deeply I pull away. She goes on her tiptoes and whisper's in my ear "I dare you..." she pauses then finishes her sentence "daddy..." and let's out a soft moan "you fucking bitch" she giggles in my ear then walks past me and grabs a towel, I roll my eyes and grab a towel wrapping it around my waist.

When I get back to my room and find out that she went back to her room "JAXSON!" I hear her yelling from her room I throw my boxers on and a pair of shorts on and run to her room, when I get there Andrew is on top of her taking her towel off, I pull him off her and I punch him "don't touch her bro!" I grab her bridal style and bring to my room "stay here alright" she nods I go back to her room and he already left I grab her a pair of panties & I go back to my room "here get changed there are some shirts in that draw "ok thanks Jax" I nod and leave the room I close the door and go downstairs, I sit on the couch and watch a movie,after 15 minutes she comes running downstairs and jumps onto the couch and then she lays her head on my lap "oh hi I didn't see you there" she laughs "what are you watching?" She looks up at me and bites her lip "criminal minds" she scoffs and grab the remote "hey!" She rolls her eyes "we gonna watch The Vampire Diaries" she says as she puts it on "ok fine."

"We've been watching this show for 2 hours already Em, can we please change it" how can she lay here and watch this for 2 hours??? "No! We watch 8 more episodes" I shake my head "no amore" she looks up at me pouting "8 more episodes!" She has an attitude "I'll fuck that attitude out of you princesa" I smirked as she sat up and handed me the remote "thank you" she crossed her arms and pouted "no fair" she mumbles "excuse me?!? What did you say??" She looks away still pouting "nothing" I grabbed her chin and made her look at me "repeat what the fuck you said Em!!" I put the remote down "your cute!" She says with an attitude change, I put my hand down her pants making her gasp "repeat what you said right now or I'll finger you and leave you on edge" she bites her bottom lip before responding "fine finger me , I'm not gonna say anything" I stick a finger in and let out a chuckle "already wet" she lets out a soft moan and looks away as My fingers thrust in and out of her "no look at me" she looks at me and makes eye contact "Em-" I get cut off to a phone ringing "you gonna get that Jax?" I nod pulling her onto my lap and answering the phone "quiet down love" I add another finger as I'm on the phone, she's loudly moaning "I have another mission for you and Emery,Jaxson" I go faster with each thrust "ok sir let me know when and where" she's now whimpering with each thrust I make "Jax I'm going to-" I raise my eyebrow "ok Jax I'll text you when" he hangs up and I smash my lips onto hers, I take my fingers out as I feel she's at her high "you can cum when you stop giving me an attitude and being a bitch towards me" she pouts "And don't think you're gonna be able to touch yourself," she gasps "you wouldn't" I pull her closer "I already did" she pouts harder "rude" she slunks on my lap pressing on my hardness "looks like someone's hard" she says with a giggle.

As we are getting ready for the mission she drops something (on purpose) and she bends down right in front of me, I slap her ass "don't touch my ass!" She says as she gets up "don't bend over in front of me then" she rolls her eyes "whatever." She puts on a tight black dress and stiletto heals, I put on my good suit and some dress shoes. We leave the house and go to my car, we get inside my car and I put my hand on her thigh "ay your rings they are cold Jax" she pushes my hand off her thigh "don't push my hand Em!" She looks at me "or what Jax" I slap her thigh and grab it"or you'll be begging to stop" I chuckle "no I'm not" she rolls her eyes as I pull out from the drive way. We get to the club and go inside "you go in first Jax and find the target" she gives me a little shove "ok ok" I go inside and I see that the target is a girl, I go up to her "hey cutie" she glances at me "no sorry I'm not interested" she looks me up and down "oh come on let me buy you a drink!" I shout over the loud music "unless you're a girl no thanks" I nod and go to Emery "your turn act lesbian amore!" She goes up to her. After a while she comes back running "we gotta go!" She runs passed me aI run after her "what's wrong love??" She gasps for air "I killed her in front of security" I burst out into laughter "you dumbass" she hits my dick "owww!" She laughs "don't call me a dumbass"

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