Chapter 4

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I get a knock at my bedroom door and it's Jax "the ring you wanted" he says as he hands me a bag I open the bag to see a red velvet box, I look up at him "you didn't" I open the box and there is a beautiful rose gold 13 carrot gold ring "I did and it was 2 thousand" I look up from the ring and look at him "thank you Jax, it's lovely" I say as I look back down at the ring "your welcome" I take the ring out the box and put it on my finger, I drop the box back into the bag and run past Jax down the stairs and to my dad "daddy look!" My dad turns around to see me holding my hand out showing the ring "that's beautiful baby, who got it for you?" He says grabbing my hand looking at the ring "Jaxson did, isn't it beautiful daddy?" He nods kissing my forehead, I go back upstairs and to my room where Jax is still there "it's beautiful I gotta tell my girlfriends" he chuckles "you told me that it's beautiful over a thousand times Em"

I grab my phone of the bed "I know but it really is beautiful" I FaceTime my friend group "I got a ring!" I say to my friends over the phone as I put my hand up they all scream "ok ok stop yelling" I say with a giggle "13 carrot gold rose gold beautiful and 2k dollars!" I say then my girl best friend decides to be a smart ass and ask "that's an engagement ring right?" I nod "who's the fiancé?" I roll my eyes and motion for Jax to come over he sits down next to me "guys he didn't propose but we are getting married it's an arranged marriage" I hear all my friends suck their teeth "I know who my maid of honor is" I hear all the girls gasp and ask "who's the maid of honor?" "Katherine Rose Elizabeth Aaron will you be my maid of honor?" I see my best friend of 20 years crying over the phone and in tears she says "yes I will you bitch!" I laugh "you ladies are weird I'm gonna go to my room" I nod "and the rest of you are bridesmaids ok?" All my friends nod "obviously"

At the bridal store I'm looking though dresses and I haven't found a beautiful dress that screams 'I want that one' 'that's the one' dress yet "just choose one already Em" Kat says annoyed I roll my eyes and turn to leave and there is the most beautiful dress ever light pearls strapless white big puffy dress I've ever seen "that's the one" I say walking up to the dress Kat not far behind a worker comes up to me "I'm sorry this dress is reserved for Emery Rodriguez and the two of you isn't her" I laugh "Kat this dress is made for me" I hear the worker laugh "I'm sorry did you not hear me? I said-" She starts to say but I cut her off "I heard you alright and you're fired" she scoffs "you can't fire me you're just a costumer" I laugh "wanna bet?" I say as another employee comes to us "she's fired make sure she leaves ok Liam" he nods "Liam tell her that she can't fire me" Liam looks at me then at the girl "that's Emery Rodriguez remember I told you that she'll come by today?" She looks shocked "Liam I need you to find out who made this dress for me" the worker looks down "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else-" she says but I cut her off once again "save it- I don't need your stupid apology" she nods and walks off to help another costumer "your fired out!" She walks past me and into the back Liam comes back "ok the person who made the dress was Mr. Rodriguez Ma'am" I nod "my father knows me best" me and Kat both laugh "Liam get this dress boxed and ready for me to pick it up tomorrow" Liam nods and takes the dress "yes m'am" I smile "let's find you your maid of honor dress!" I say as we head towards a dark blue dress "this?" Kat looks at the dress up and down "no it's ugly" I shrug and and go to look at another dress "that's so pretty!" I turn around "what is?" She points to a dress that's light blue with a slit on the leg part (p.s this is what the dress looks like) and an off the shoulder sleeves "this is beautiful" I nod " it really is Kat"

s this is what the dress looks like) and an off the shoulder sleeves "this is beautiful" I nod " it really is Kat"

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(P.s This the dress Katherine saw)

"We gotta get it!" Kat say's with excitement "Liam this dress as well" Liam nods and grabs the dress "tomorrow we gonna come back for the bridesmaids dresses ok Kat" she nods as we pay for the dresses "5 thousand dollars Miss Emery" I nod and give them my card.

We get back to my house and I park and we go inside "hey daddy! I got the dress" he looks at me "that's great baby, you got the dress I made?" I drop my bags and run yo him and hug him "yea I did it's beautiful daddy! Just like my ring!" He laughs "ok but stop talking about the ring already baby!" I roll my eyes "but it's so beautiful daddy" I say as I walk away and go to my room I walk into my room with Kat I put our bags in my closet in the back so no one can see them "so like do you have a bf Kat?" She looks at me hovering me that look "no I don't you ask me that all the time" I roll my eyes " you know what Ima call Jason"  I grab my phone and call Jason "ok well I have to go text you later bitch" I nod as she leaves "Jason come over I have something very important to tell you" he sighs "ok I'll be there in 15 minutes" I roll my eyes "ok but hurry up" I hang up before he could respond.

15 minutes later I hear the door up and I run downstairs and run into Jason's arms giving him a big hug "let's go" I say as I drag him upstairs I sit him on the bed "ok I don't really know how to say this but I'm getting married" he looks at me confused "you are?" I show him the ring " yea I am" he looks at the ring then back at me "to who?" I go and close the door "to Jaxson-" I start to say but get cut off "no cancel the wedding Em" I look down "that's the thing Jason I can't it's an arranged marriage"

next thing I know I'm putting makeup on my eye "make sure you cover that up I don't want anyone to know I hit you ok?" I nod,as he's leaving Jax is walking in "oh hi Jax" I say trying to hide my eye while putting makeup on he grabs my chin "why is your eye black?" Shit I can't let him find out "I hit myself with a hanger" he lets my face go "bullshit, did that asshole hit you?" I shake my head "I really hit my eye with a hanger!."

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