Chapter 7

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"Drive!" He drives us home "don't hit my dick ever again Em!"he yells at me still driving "ok sorry" I roll my eyes at him he slaps my thigh "ay oww that hurt dude!" He just chuckles. We get to the drive way of the house and I get out before he could park "Em wtf?!?" I go inside and upstairs to my room I take my dress off put my favorite red lacy lingerie  I then hear the front door open and close then loud foot steps coming up the stairs, I sit on the edge of my bed on my phone, "Em really? Red lingerie?" I look up from my phone "what I feel free in this Jax, and besides you can look no touch" he scoffs and walks towards me I move back on to my bed "amore come here" I shake my head "no!" He moves closer and I move more back "stay back Jax I don't want to hurt you" I point to my knife holder on my thigh he chuckles "come here right now amore!" I scoff "no!" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow "princess come here" I melted at the word 'princess' I move more back just to tease him "mami ven aquí!" He says with a stern voice, I move a bit closer "closer mami" I move more closer to him "good girl" he says with a big smirk on his face "asshole" I whispered under my breath "what did you say Em?" I look at him with a sweet smile on my face "oh nothing Jax" he grabs my chin roughly, he glances at my bed then laughs "what's so funny?" He looks back at me "that In the next 5-10 minutes you will be begging for me to stop" I move his hand and try to head for my bedroom door but I get picked up by Jax as I'm about to open the door "Jax put me down right now" but instead I get pinned to my wall "Jax, daddy please" he chuckles at 'daddy" "see already begging" he said with a smirk "daddy please, we can have sex after we get married" he raised an eyebrow "after we get married?, Em baby we get married in 3 months" I nod, then my phone goes off, Jax holds my hands with one hand and grabs my phone "it's Jason" he scoffs and answers "daddy please!" I yell "Jaxson! Is that Em?! And what are you doing to her??" Jason yells and I get scared "nothing, Em quick get dressed!" I can hear! Jason getting mad "nah I'm coming over!" He hangs up, I look at Jax "Let me go I gotta put clothes on!" He shakes his head "no,shit I want him to know what's mine" I look at him up and down "what's yours?" I raise an eyebrow  "You, your mine" he slaps my ass I let out a soft groan/moan "damn hit it harder next time" I roll my eyes and he slaps it harder "oww damn" he grabs my ass "what you said to hit it harder"  he smirks "just please let my hands go so I can put clothes on" he lets my hands go and leaves my room.

As I'm putting my shirt- his shirt on all I hear is yelling and loud slaps/punches, I run downstairs only to see Jason on top of Jax punching him "get off of him Jason" he stops punching him for a second and looks at me he smiles then he goes back to punching Jax, I try to stop him but I get punched instead, I cover my eye while crying and backing up that's when Jason looks at me "Em! I'm sorry!" he gets off of Jax, and I start bawling he gets closer to me "stay back!." He stops, "Em please! I'm sorry" I run upstairs, after I ran upstairs I heard screaming "ITS YOUR FAULT JAX!!" Then Jax response back makes me run downstairs "MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT CALL, EM WOULDN'T HAVE A BLACK EYE BUT YOU CALLED SO ITS REALLY YOUR FAULT!!" I ran downstairs "Jax.." they both look at me Jason more bruised the Jax even though Jason was on top of Jax , I run and jump into Jaxsons arms and I whisper "why Jax why..." he holds me tight then he puts me down as soon I turned around I get hit with a hard slap across my face, "Jason why just why do you hate me" I back up into Jax and he holds my waist "you know what go just go!" He try's to get closer to me "Jason leave!! Right Now" Jaxson yells before I could "Go Jason" I say in a soft voice "Em-" I shake my head "GO RIGHT NOW BEFORE I DO SOMETHING I WILL REGRET JASON GO!" I yell tears rolling down my cheeks "go Jason go" I point to the door he scoffs and walks towards me grabbing my arm pulling me away from Jaxson "Jason let me go" he just grips harder "owww Jason your hurting me" he drags me to the door and throws me over his shoulders "JAXSON HELP ME" I yell tears now streaming down my cheeks,Jaxson runs after me but I'm in Jason's car and he's too fast for Jaxson "JASON BRING ME BACK RIGHT NOW!" He just scoffs "no your gonna love me again and you're going to live with me" I try to open the car door but nothing "no never, let me out please" I start bawling my eyes out I rolled down the window and I open the door from the outside and jump out, I start running towards the opposite direction then Jason I run until I see a car It's Jax! He pulls over and runs to me I hug him tight "let's go before Jason comes back" we get in his car and he immediately turns around and drives home next thing I know I black out.

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